Configure Zope

Configure Zope#

Plone runs in an application server called Zope.

You can configure your Zope instance's options, including the following.

  • persistent storage: blobs, direct file storage, relational database, ZEO, and other storage mechanisms

  • ports

  • threads

  • cache

  • logging

  • debugging and profiling for development


If you installed Plone using Cookieplone or pip, then Zope is configured using cookiecutter-zope-instance. For a complete list of features, usage, and options, read cookiecutter-zope-instance's README.


If you installed Plone using Buildout, then Zope is configured using plone.recipe.zope2instance. For a complete list of features, usage, and options, read plone.recipe.zope2instance's README.