Email Notification#

Contact Site Owner (Contact Form)#

Plone allows the user to contact the site owner via a form on the website. This makes sure the site owner does not have to expose their email addresses publicly. At the same time, it allows the users to reach out to the site owners.

Send Email Notification#

Mutation function#

Use the emailNotificationQuery function to get the mutation for sending an email notification to the site owner or the specified user.


Use the useEmailNotification hook to send an email notification to the site owner or the specified user.


  • user: string

    • Required: No

    • The user who is receiving the email notification. If not specified the site owner will receive the email notification.

  • data: object

    • Required: Yes

    • It can have the following fields:

      name: string

      • Required: Yes

      from: string

      • Required: Yes

      subject: string

      • Required: Yes

      message: string

      • Required: Yes