
Get Rules#

Query function#

Use the getRulesQuery function to get the query for fetching the content-rules for a page.


Use the useGetRules hook to get the content-rules for a page.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

Add Rule#

Mutation function#

Use the createRuleMutation function to get the mutation for adding a content-rule to a page.


Use the useCreateRule hook to add a content-rule to a page.


  • ruleId: string

    • Required: Yes

Update Rules#

Mutation function#

Use the updateRulesMutation function to get the mutation for updating content-rules for the given rule ids.


Use the useUpdateRules hook to update content-rules for the given rule ids.


  • data: object

    • Required: Yes

    • It can have the following fields:

      form.button.Bubble: boolean

      • Required: No

      form.button.NoBubble: boolean

      • Required: No

      form.button.Enable: boolean

      • Required: No

      form.button.Disable: boolean

      • Required: No

      rules_ids: string[]

      • Required: No

      operation: string

      • Required: No

Delete Rule#

Mutation function#

Use the deleteRulesMutation function to get the mutation for deleting a content-rule for the given rule ids.


Use the useDeleteRules hook to delete a content-rule for the given rule ids.


  • data: object

    • Required: Yes

    • It can have the following fields:

      rules_ids: string[]

      • Required: Yes