Theming Strategy#
Deprecated since version Volto: 18
Semantic UI development and maintenance has been inconsistent since 2018.
The Volto Team made the decision to move forward in a sustainable direction.
Plone 7 will use a different theming approach, based on the @plone/components
—which in turn is based on React Aria Components—and @plone/theming
Using Semantic UI theming for your project or add-on is deprecated from Volto 18 onward, and will be removed in Plone 7.
One approaches the theming of a Volto site usually with a predefined mockup or design from a design agency or an UX/UI designer in the form of Sketch files (a common design and prototyping tool), a series of photoshop or PDFs with the desired result on how the site would look like showing the homepage, landing pages, different views, inner pages, and so on.
The strategy is to try to map what Volto already provides like the headers, breadcrumbs, footer, main content area, etc to the mockup ones. Then decide which ones will stay as they are (not customized) and which ones will be required to be customized.
There is a great chance that the vast majority of components (and main building blocks) will remain the same, only modified by how they look by using basic styling (CSS) theming.
As an example, if you need to customize the logo, there is a big chance that you
only need to replace and customize the svg file that the Logo.jsx
exposes, without having to customize the whole component.
The same might apply for other components or big block components, like the
Before you start, it is advisable to try to familiarize yourself with how Volto
is built. Take a look at its building blocks in order to not repeat yourself.
Take a tour inside the components
folder, and try to map all the components
with Volto page. Try to figure out what is the frame, the part that is constant
(header, content area, footer), the moving parts, then go to the more complex
ones (widgets, forms, etc). Then start theming the components per blocks
(header, content area, footer).
Try to stick with the container and grid model of Semantic UI, including its breakpoints (and helpers). Use React Semantic UI building blocks whenever it's possible since it will help you fit things together easily.
You might find interesting this talk as resource on how theming works in Volto: