Upgrade Guide


Upgrade Guide#

This upgrade guide lists all breaking changes in Volto and explains the steps that are necessary to upgrade to the latest version. Volto uses Semantic Versioning. For more information see Version policy.


Cookieplone is the official project generator for Plone. We keep Cookieplone up to date and in sync with the current Volto release.

To make it easier for you to maintain your projects, you should keep all your code inside your project add-ons. If you do so, when you want to upgrade your project, you can generate a new project using Cookieplone with the same name as your old one, and copy over your add-ons to the new project. It is usually better and quicker to move your items into new locations and copy your dependencies than dealing with following the upgrade steps, regardless of whether you have modified the boilerplate.

Upgrading to Volto 18.x.x#

Node.js version support: adding 22, dropping 18#

Added support for Node.js 22. It is the long-term support (LTS) release effective 2024-10-29.

Long-term support for Node.js 18 by the Node.js community will end on 2025-04-30. Volto 18 no longer supports Node.js 18, since Volto only supports the latest two LTS versions. Volto might continue to work on Node.js 18, but it is not tested in CI.

Please update your projects to a supported Node.js version, either 20 or 22. Version 22 is recommended, as the latest LTS version of Node.js.

Volto's internal dependencies and devDependencies are now properly sorted out#

Deprecated since version Volto: 18.0.0-alpha.43

This step is only valid for projects that continue to use the yarn-based generator and haven't updated to Cookieplone pnpm-based setups. See Cookieplone is now the recommended project and add-on generator for Volto 18 for details.

Volto internal dependencies and devDependencies have been correctly sorted out. This means that Volto no longer will force devDependencies as dependencies just to make sure that they get installed in Volto projects. This provoked undesired hoisting problems, and forced the build to not behave correctly in some situations. This also aligns with the best practices in the JavaScript world, and will make the packagers work better.

This change means that your projects will now have to declare all their dependencies. For this purpose, we have developed a new utility that synchronizes the dependencies and devDependencies of your projects with those in Volto core. It is mandatory that you run the utility to make Volto version 18.0.0-alpha.21 or later work in your projects. This opens the door to use pnpm in projects, too, and other goodies.

Removed in version Volto: 18.0.0-alpha.33

The setting config.settings.serverConfig.extractScripts.errorPages has been removed.

Now scripts are added to error pages, regardless of whether they are in production mode. This setting is no longer necessary.

New dependencies synchronizer#

Deprecated since version Volto: 18.0.0-alpha.43

This step is only valid for projects that continue to use the yarn-based generator and haven't updated to Cookieplone pnpm-based setups. See Cookieplone is now the recommended project and add-on generator for Volto 18 for details.

Added in version Volto: 18.0.0-alpha.21

Added in version @plone/scripts: 3.6.1

Volto now has a script to ease the upgrades in Volto projects, called volto-update-deps. It's included as part of the @plone/scripts package. This script synchronizes the local dependencies of your project with those in Volto core. It preserves your dependencies.

To run the procedure, in your project's package.json, update the @plone/volto version to the one to which you want to upgrade, such as 18.0.0-alpha.21. Then update the version of @plone/scripts to at least version 3.6.1. The following example shows the minimum valid versions to use under the dependencies key.

"dependencies": {
  "@plone/volto": "18.0.0-alpha.21",
  "@plone/scripts": "^3.6.1"

Then run yarn in your project to update the packages.


After this, the volto-update-deps script will be available in your environment. Now you can run the script to synchronize dependencies:

yarn volto-update-deps

It should synchronize the versions in your project's dependencies and devDependencies with those in Volto core. It will add the missing ones, and update the current ones. It will preserve the existing ones. It is recommended that you check the resultant changes to assess that everything is fine. Run yarn again to update the versions.


Verify that your project works well by running the development server.

yarn start

Volto runs now on React 18.2.0#

We have updated Volto to use React 18. This has been the latest published stable version since June 2022. This aligns Volto with the latests developments in the React ecosystem and opens the door to up to date software and React features, like client side Suspense and others:

  • Concurrent rendering in client (Suspense)

  • Automatic batching updates

  • Transitions

  • New hooks useId, useTransition, useDeferredValue, useSyncExternalStore, and other hooks

draftJS dependency and text, table, and hero blocks removed#

In Volto 16, the text block powered by the Draft.js library was deprecated, and it was announced that it would be removed in Volto 18. Two other blocks, table and hero, that depended on Draft.js were also removed.

If you still need these blocks in your site, you can copy over the block code and settings into your project. You can also migrate these blocks to use either slate or slateTable blocks. The hero block can be replaced by the teaser block, but a migration is also needed. See Existing projects using core draftJS, opting to continue using draftJS.

react-portal dependency removed#

react-portal is deprecated and it was removed from Volto. The Volto code that relied on it was mainly CMS UI components. If your project relies on it, either in your code or the shadowed components you may have, you should update to use the standard React API, createPortal. You can update your shadows taking the modified components as templates. As a last resort, you can install react-portal as a dependency of your project. However, this is discouraged, because the React 18 rendering could have unexpected side effects. It is recommended that you use the React API instead.

@plone/registry moved to ESM#

@plone/registry and other packages on which Volto depends are now stand-alone releases in the monorepo structure released in 18.0.0-alpha.4.

Also, the @plone/registry package has been moved to ESM. The add-on registry scripts have also been refactored to TypeScript. For maximum compatibility with CommonJS builds, the default exports have been moved to named exports. The modules affected are now built, and the import paths have changed, too. These changes force some import path changes that you should patch in your Plone project or add-on boilerplates.


As always, when something changes in the boilerplate project generator, you may generate a new project with Cookieplone and move your code into it, instead of manually editing multiple files. See Cookieplone is now the recommended project and add-on generator for Volto 18 for details.

For example, in your project's .eslintrc.js:

 const fs = require('fs');
 const projectRootPath = __dirname;
-const AddonConfigurationRegistry = require('@plone/registry/src/addon-registry');
+const { AddonRegistry } = require('@plone/registry/addon-registry');

 let voltoPath = './node_modules/@plone/volto';

@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@ if (configFile) {
     voltoPath = `./${jsConfig.baseUrl}/${pathsConfig['@plone/volto'][0]}`;

-const reg = new AddonConfigurationRegistry(__dirname);
+const { registry } = AddonRegistry.init(__dirname);

 // Extends ESlint configuration for adding the aliases to `src` directories in Volto addons
-const addonAliases = Object.keys(reg.packages).map((o) => [
+const addonAliases = Object.keys(registry.packages).map((o) => [
-  reg.packages[o].modulePath,
+  registry.packages[o].modulePath,

-const addonExtenders = reg.getEslintExtenders().map((m) => require(m));
+const addonExtenders = registry.getEslintExtenders().map((m) => require(m));

       alias: {
         map: [
           ['@plone/volto', '@plone/volto/src'],
-          ['@plone/volto-slate', '@plone/volto/packages/volto-slate/src'],
-          ['@plone/registry', '@plone/volto/packages/registry/src'],
-          ['@plone/types', '@plone/volto/packages/types'],
+          ['@plone/volto-slate', '@plone/volto-slate/src'],
           ['@package', `${__dirname}/src`],

Also in the Storybook configuration .storybook/main.js.

-    const AddonConfigurationRegistry = require('@plone/registry/src/addon-registry');
+    const { AddonRegistry } = require('@plone/registry/addon-registry');

-    const registry = new AddonConfigurationRegistry(projectRootPath);
+    const { registry } = AddonRegistry.init(projectRootPath);

Added in version Volto: 18.0.0-alpha.47

Added in version @plone/registry: 3.0.0-alpha.0

Upgraded Slate libraries#

The support libraries for Slate integration have been upgraded, mainly for bug fixes. This is a breaking change. The deprecated prop value in the main editor component setting is no longer supported, and has been replaced by initialValue.

If you use this component in your add-ons or projects directly, you need to replace the name of the prop.


In your add-ons and projects, we advise you to always use the public components provided by Volto, instead of directly using the support libraries packaged in Volto.

Remove the disabled property from fields in the source content in babel view#

This change improves UX of the Babel view (translation form) since a disabled field cannot be selected to be copied over.

volto-slate Cypress helpers moved to its own module#

There were some Cypress helpers for volto-slate along with the other definitions of Cypress commands. The Cypress command definitions are intended to be loaded only once, whereas the helpers can be imported any number of times. Therefore, we moved the helpers to its own module:

import { slateBeforeEach } from '@plone/volto/cypress/support/commands';


import { slateBeforeEach } from '@plone/volto/cypress/support/helpers';

Storybook 8#

Storybook was upgraded from version 6 to 8 in core and in the project generator. This section is relevant if you have Storybook stories in your project or add-on. The versions will be upgraded automatically using the volto-update-deps script. The configuration of your project must also be updated with the new one. Replace the .storybook folder in your project with this one:


Finally, in your project's or add-on's package.json file, update the scripts key with the key/value pairs, as shown in the following diff.

-    "storybook": "start-storybook -p 6006",
-    "build-storybook": "build-storybook"
+    "storybook": "storybook dev -p 6006",
+    "build-storybook": "storybook build"

If you haven't customized the configuration, the migration is straightforward. The stories format (CSF) is almost the same. However, writing stories directly in MDX was removed in Storybook 8. The .stories.mdx extension is no longer supported.


Although it is technically possible to keep the old version running, the script volto-update-deps will try to update to Storybook 8 every time you run it.

Form component passes down id of the current fieldset#

There was a bug where a fieldset's generated value would be not valid. This has been fixed by passing down the id instead of the title to the fieldset's value. If your tests rely on the old fieldset's generated value for selecting fields, your tests could break, in which case you should amend them to use the updated fieldset's value instead.

Changes from the original slots feature#

Now config.getSlots in the configuration registry takes the argument location instead of pathname. This allows more expressive conditions to fulfill the use case of the Add form.

Improve container detection#

The mechanism to detect if a block is a container or not has been improved and the config setting config.settings.containerBlockTypes is no longer needed, and core won't check for it anymore.

New naming convention for Makefile commands#

A new naming convention for Makefile commands has been implemented in Volto 18. This convention has been applied to all Volto tools, including the new boilerplate generators that use cookiecutter. The conventions is as follows:

  • Use kebab-case, where each word is separated by a hyphen.

  • Use hierarchical or taxonomic ranking, where the thing being operated upon is defined by [thing]-[subthing]-[subsubthing].

  • [thing] may be omitted when it is the project itself.

  • The final term is the action to be performed upon the [thing].

Every Makefile command now has a description. To view a complete list of Makefile commands with their description, you can issue the following command.

make help

The following table lists the old and new Makefile commands and the new commands' description.


Revised Command

Revised Description




Show this help



Starts Volto, allowing reloading of the add-on during development





Build a production bundle for distribution






Run unit tests



Clean development environment



Set up development environment

Renamed to be consistent with the add-on setups



Create a Python virtual environment with the latest pip, and install documentation requirements



Clean current and legacy docs build directories, and Python virtual environment



Create or update the symlink from docs to volto package



Build html



Rebuild Sphinx documentation on changes, with live-reload in the browser



Run linkcheck



Run linkcheck and show only broken links



Install (once) and run Vale style, grammar, and spell checks



Build previews of pull requests that have documentation changes on Read the Docs via CI



Clean docs build, then run linkcheckbroken, vale



Copy release notes into documentation



Build Storybook


Start Storybook server on port 6006






Install Cypress for acceptance tests



Build dependencies





Starts a Docker-based backend for development



Starts a Docker-based backend in detached mode (daemon)



Stops the Docker-based backend in detached mode (daemon)



Starts the Docker-based backend without CORS in detached mode (daemon)



Starts a Docker-based frontend for development







Start acceptance frontend in development mode



Start backend acceptance server



Start backend acceptance server in headless mode for CI



Start acceptance frontend in production mode



Start Cypress in interactive mode



Run Cypress tests in headless mode for CI



With a single command, start both the acceptance frontend and backend acceptance server, and run Cypress tests in headless mode



Start acceptance frontend in production mode for deployment



Start Cypress in interactive mode for tests in deployment



Start the reverse proxy (Traefik) on port 80 for deployment



Run in one command the backend, frontend, and the cypress tests in headless mode for CI for deployment



Start acceptance frontend in production mode for project tests



Start backend acceptance server for core sandbox tests



Start acceptance frontend in production mode for core sandbox tests



Start acceptance frontend in development mode for core sandbox tests



Start Cypress in interactive mode for core sandbox tests



Run Cypress tests in headless mode for CI for core sandbox tests



With a single command, run the backend, frontend, and the Cypress tests in headless mode for CI for core sandbox tests



Start backend acceptance server for multilingual tests



Start acceptance frontend in production mode for multilingual tests



Start Cypress in interactive mode for multilingual tests



Run Cypress tests in headless mode for CI for multilingual tests



With a single command, run the backend, frontend, and the Cypress tests in headless mode for CI for multilingual tests



Start backend acceptance server for multilingual tests for deployment



Start acceptance frontend in production mode for multilingual tests for deployment



Start Cypress in interactive mode for multilingual tests for deployment



Run Cypress tests in headless mode for CI for multilingual tests for deployment



With a single command, run the backend, frontend, and the Cypress tests in headless mode for CI for multilingual tests for deployment



Start backend acceptance server for working copy tests



Start acceptance frontend in production mode for working copy tests



Start Cypress in interactive mode for working copy tests



Run Cypress tests in headless mode for CI for working copy tests



With a single command, run the backend, frontend, and the Cypress tests in headless mode for CI for working copy tests



Start backend acceptance server for Guillotina tests



Start acceptance frontend in production mode for Guillotina tests



Start Cypress in interactive mode for Guillotina tests



Run Cypress tests in headless mode for CI for Guillotina tests



With a single command, run the backend, frontend, and the Cypress tests in headless mode for CI for Guillotina tests



Start backend acceptance server for Plone 5 tests



Starts test acceptance server main fixture in detached mode (daemon)



Stop test acceptance server main fixture in detached mode (daemon)

The documentation has been updated as well to reflect this change.

New image upload widget component#

Previously the image upload widget component was integrated into the image block edit component. Now the image upload widget component is its own component, and you can reuse it in other blocks.

If you shadow the image block edit component, make sure it continues to work as you expect, or update it to use the new image upload widget component.

The new image upload widget component's user experience also changed. The input field is now a row of buttons. The input field's placeholder text was moved above the buttons. Together these changes improve usability both on small screens and in small containers, such as when the widget is in grid block elements.

Renamed the constants/Languages module#

src/constants/Languages.js has been renamed to src/constants/Languages.cjs since, in fact, it's a CommonJS module. This change is needed for consistency with module suffixes in Volto core, in preparation for replacing Razzle with a modern builder.

The only Volto component that makes use of it is PersonalPreferences. If you shadow it, then you should update this component. For the rest, it is unlikely that your code refers to this module, since it's used internally by Volto itself.

Renamed test-setup-config module#

test-setup-config.js has been renamed to test-setup-config.jsx since, in fact, it contains JSX. This change is needed for consistency with module suffixes in Volto core, in preparation for replacing Razzle with a modern builder.

It is unlikely that your code uses it, unless you heavily customized the Jest testing pipeline.

Removed react-share library and SocialSharing component#

The react-share library and SocialSharing component has not been used in the core since some time ago, and it is more suitable as an add-on and not in core. If you still use it, you can add it to your main add-on dependency, and extract the SocialSharing component from Volto 17 as a custom component in your add-on code.

Refactor of FormValidation module#

The packages/volto/src/helpers/FormValidation/FormValidation.jsx module has been heavily refactored. Some helper functions have been moved to packages/volto/src/helpers/FormValidation/validators.ts. None of those functions were exported in the first place, so no imports will be broken. If you shadowed the module packages/volto/src/helpers/FormValidation/FormValidation.jsx, you should review it and update it accordingly.

Field validation for blocks#

BlockDataForm component now gets a new prop errors. This prop must be assigned with the new prop passed down from the blocks engine blocksErrors. If not passed down, the block can't display any field validation error.

// More component code above here

  const {
  } = props;

return (
    onChangeField={(id: string, value: any) => {
      onChangeBlock(block, {
        [id]: value,

SchemaWidget widget registration change#

Previously in the widget mapping, the SchemaWidget was registered in the id object and assigned to the schema key. Due to this common key name, this definition could leak the widget and be applied to unwanted fields. The SchemaWidget is now registered under the widget object. If you use it in your project or add-ons, you should update the field definition, and add the widget property.

// more form definition above...
schema: {
  title: 'Schema',
  widget: 'schema'
// rest of the form definition...

Tags in slot#

The Tags component has been moved to the belowContent slot. It now receives the content property instead of the tags property.

Table of Contents block markup change#

The View component for the Table of Contents block was updated to use a nav element instead of a div. If you've applied custom styles or shadowed this component, you might need to make adjustments.

Update needed to project boilerplate generated with @plone/generator-volto#

Added in version Volto: 18.0.0-alpha.42

Effective with Volto 18.0.0-alpha.42, a new feature introduced a breaking change in the boilerplates created using @plone/generator-volto 9.0.0-alpha.17 and earlier.

Deprecated since version Volto: 18.0.0-alpha.43

The yarn-based generator @plone/generator-volto package and project boilerplates generated from it are deprecated and will not receive any further updates. The recommended way of generating a project boilerplate is Cookieplone. Please update your code to use the pnpm based setup.

You need to change your razzle.config.js file in the root of your boilerplate.

@@ -27,12 +27,14 @@ const customModifyWebpackConfig = ({
+  paths,
 }) => {
   const config = modifyWebpackConfig({
     env: { target, dev },
+    paths,
   // add custom code here..
   return config;

The change involves adding a new paths argument to the customModifyWebpackConfig function.

Added rule for ESlint to detect missing key property in iterators.#

The react/jsx-key rule has been enabled in ESlint for catching missing key in JSX iterators. You might catch some violations in your project or add-on code after running ESlint. Adding the missing key property whenever the violation is reported will fix it.

Add missing overrides to projects in package.json#

This will fix some issues with Hot Module Reload in projects. It's required in Volto 18.0.0-alpha.47 and later, otherwise the site breaks in development mode. Add this object to the pnpm key in your project package.json.

  "pnpm": {
    "overrides": {
			"@pmmmwh/react-refresh-webpack-plugin": "^0.5.15",
			"react-refresh": "^0.14.2"

Added in version Volto: 18.0.0-alpha.47

Added in version @plone/registry: 3.0.0-alpha.0

Deprecation notices for Volto 18#


Deprecated since version Volto: 18.0.0

The Node.js-based Volto project boilerplate generator is deprecated from Volto 18 onwards. It is marked as deprecated, archived, and it won't receive any further updates. Although you can still migrate your project to Volto 18 using this boilerplate, you should migrate to using Cookieplone. See Cookieplone is now the recommended project and add-on generator for Volto 18 for details.


Migrate your project to use a Cookieplone boilerplate.

Volto project configurations#

Deprecated since version Volto: 18.0.0

Configuring Volto using src/config.js at the project level is deprecated in Volto 18, and will be removed in Volto 19.

See also

See plone/volto#6396 for details.


You should configure your projects in a policy add-on. You can move your project to use Cookieplone which provides the necessary boilerplate for it.

Semantic UI#

Deprecated since version Volto: 18.0.0

The Semantic UI library is not maintained anymore, and will be removed in Plone 7. You should no longer use Semantic UI in add-ons and projects.

See also

Related PLIPs:


You can use any supported component framework of your choice for implementing new components, especially in the public theme side. If you create new widgets or components for the CMSUI—in other words, the non-public side—you should use the @plone/components library as an alternative. Even though it's still in the development phase, it will be completed in the next few months, and will be supported in the future.

lodash library#

Deprecated since version Volto: 18.0.0

lodash is deprecated in Volto 18, and will be removed in Plone 7.

lodash has not received any updates since 2021. It has performance issues from bloated bundles and it's not prepared for ESM. Lots of lodash utility helpers can be replaced with vanilla ES. These issues cause concern about its future maintainability.

In place of lodash, Plone 7 will use both the lodash-es library, which is ESM ready, and modern vanilla ES alternatives whenever possible.


See also

The following links suggest alternatives to lodash.

If you still need some of the utilities in lodash and cannot use vanilla ES, you can use lodash-es instead.

@loadable/component and Volto Loadables framework#

Deprecated since version Volto: 18.0.0

@loadable/component and the Volto Loadables framework is deprecated in Volto 18, and will be removed from Plone 7. It's a Webpack-only library, and it does not have Vite plugin support. Since React 18, this library is no longer necessary, as it has the initial implementation of the "concurrent mode". React 19 will further improve it and add more features around it.


Use plain React 18 lazy load features and its idioms for lazy load components.

const myLazyComponent = lazy(()=> import('@plone/volto/components/theme/MyLazyComponent/MyLazyComponent'))

const RandomComponent = (props) => (
        <MyLazyComponent />

There's no support for pre-loading or lazy loading entire libraries as in @loadable/component. With the removal of barrel imports files, as described in the next deprecation notice, it is now unnecessary.

Removal of barrel import files#

Deprecated since version Volto: 18.0.0

Volto previously used barrel imports, which are centralized files where other imports are re-exported, to improve the developer user experience. With barrel imports, a developer only needs to remember to import from the re-exported place, not the full path.

Since the barrel imports directly import all the code, a lot of imports ended up in the same main chunk of code. It became a bad practice. Modern bundlers, such as Vite, rely upon the import path to determine whether to bundle code together or not, reducing the bundle size.

The barrel imports must be removed to increase the natural number of chunks that Volto divides on—especially on routes—resulting in code splitting done the right and natural way. This forces us to rewrite all the imports everywhere—including core, projects, and add-ons—once we implement it. The barrel imports files include the following in Volto.

  • src/components/index.js

  • src/helpers/index.js

  • src/actions/index.js

  • src/hooks/index.js

They also include the following in the @plone/volto-slate package.

  • src/actions/index.js

  • src/editor/ui/index.js

  • src/utils/index.js


Implement only direct imports in code, preparing now for the upcoming change.

-import { BodyClass } from '@plone/volto/helpers';
+import BodyClass from '@plone/volto/helpers/BodyClass/BodyClass';

Once this is implemented, a code modification will be provided for a smooth migration.

Upgrading to Volto 17.x.x#

Ending support for Node.js 14 and 16#

Long Term Support (LTS) for Node.js 14 by the Node.js community ended in April 2023. Long Term Support for Node.js 16 by the Node.js community ended in September 2023. Volto 17 no longer supports Node.js 14 or 16. Please update your projects to a supported Node.js version (18 or 20). Version 18 is recommended, as the current LTS version of Node.js.

Webpack 5#

Volto 17 now uses Webpack 5. If you customized razzle.config.js for your project to change Webpack configuration or use Webpack plugins, you might need to make adjustments.

Razzle upgraded to version 4.2.18#

Razzle has been upgraded to version 4.2.18. It is recommended that you update your project's dependency on Razzle to this version in order to avoid duplication.

Upgraded linters, ESlint, Prettier and Stylelint#

The main linters have been upgraded. Once updated, you may find new violations in your project or add-on code. It is recommended that you run again all the linters and fix all the violations once you update it to Volto 17. Upgrade your local dependencies in projects and add-ons by editing your package.json as follows:

"devDependencies": {
-    "eslint-config-prettier": "8.10.0",
+    "eslint-config-prettier": "9.0.0",
-    "eslint-plugin-prettier": "3.4.1",
+    "eslint-plugin-prettier": "5.0.0",
-    "prettier": "2.0.5",
+    "prettier": "3.0.3",
-    "stylelint": "14.0.1",
-    "stylelint-config-idiomatic-order": "8.1.0",
-    "stylelint-config-prettier": "8.0.1",
-    "stylelint-prettier": "1.1.2",
+    "stylelint": "15.10.3",
+    "stylelint-config-idiomatic-order": "9.0.0",
+    "stylelint-prettier": "4.0.2",

TypeScript support in Volto#

Added in version Volto: 17.0.0-alpha.27

We added full support of TypeScript in Volto core.

No existing code has been migrated. You may write code in either JavaScript or TypeScript. The choice is yours.

Previously developers had the option to support TypeScript only in their Volto add-ons. Now it's available in Volto projects, as long as you upgrade your project dependencies.

To support TypeScript in your projects, you must update your project as follows.

Edit your package.json:

"scripts": {
-    "lint": "./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --max-warnings=0 'src/**/*.{js,jsx}'",
-    "lint:fix": "./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --max-warnings=0 --fix 'src/**/*.{js,jsx}'",
-    "lint:ci": "./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --max-warnings=0 -f checkstyle 'src/**/*.{js,jsx}' > eslint.xml",
+    "lint": "./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --max-warnings=0 'src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,json}'",
+    "lint:fix": "./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --fix 'src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,json}'",
+    "lint:ci": "./node_modules/eslint/bin/eslint.js --max-warnings=0 -f checkstyle 'src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx,json}' > eslint.xml",
"devDependencies": {
+     "@plone/scripts": ^3.0.0,
+     "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "6.7.0",
+     "@typescript-eslint/parser": "6.7.0",
+     "stylelint-prettier": "1.1.2",
+     "ts-jest": "^26.4.2",
+     "ts-loader": "9.4.4",
+     "typescript": "5.2.2"


After making this change, you might experience hoisting problems and some packages can't be found on start. In that case, make sure you reset your yarn.lock by deleting it and start with a clean environment.

To use TypeScript in your projects, you'll need to introduce a TypeScript configuration file tsconfig.json, and remove the existing file jsconfig.json. You can use the one provided by the generator as a template, or use your own:

  "compilerOptions": {
    "target": "ESNext",
    "lib": ["DOM", "DOM.Iterable", "ESNext"],
    "module": "commonjs",
    "allowJs": true,
    "skipLibCheck": true,
    "esModuleInterop": true,
    "allowSyntheticDefaultImports": true,
    "strict": true,
    "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
    "moduleResolution": "Node",
    "resolveJsonModule": true,
    "isolatedModules": true,
    "noEmit": true,
    "jsx": "react-jsx",
    "paths": {},
    "baseUrl": "src"
  "include": ["src"],
  "exclude": [

If you use mrs-developer in your project, update the command in Makefile:

--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
preinstall: ## Preinstall task, checks if missdev (mrs-developer) is present and runs it

 .PHONY: develop
 develop: ## Runs missdev in the local project (mrs.developer.json should be present)
-       npx -p mrs-developer missdev --config=jsconfig.json --output=addons --fetch-https
+       if [ -f $$(pwd)/jsconfig.json ]; then npx -p mrs-developer missdev --config=jsconfig.json --output=addons --fetch-https; fi
+       if [ ! -f $$(pwd)/jsconfig.json ]; then npx -p mrs-developer missdev --output=addons --fetch-https; fi


After editing your Makefile, run mrs-developer with the following command, so the configuration gets in the right place (tsconfig.json).

make develop

Upgrade ESlint and use @babel/eslint-parser#

Changed in version Volto: 17.0.0-alpha.27

ESlint uses a library to parse the language under analysis. The one used was long deprecated and didn't supported both TypeScript and JavaScript. We upgraded the ESlint parser to use @babel/eslint-parser. This means when you upgrade your project, some new violations may appear. Once upgraded, run the linters again to make sure that your code is free of violations.

BlockChooser component now uses popperjs internally#

Technically not a breaking, the API nor the component contract has changed, but it's worth noting this change in here.

Added in version Volto: 17.0.0-alpha.1

The BlockChooser component now uses popperjs library to position itself in the screen. It spawns at the end of the body instead of inner the block that called it. This is better from the UI point of view, since any other element can take precedence in the CSS element flow, preventing the block chooser to get overlapped by anything else.

If you have customized the BlockChooser in any way could be that this now could interact with your customizations.

Removed hamburgers library#

The hamburgers library was removed from core Volto, replaced by a much more lightweight approach. If your theme or add-ons relied on it, add it again as a dependency in them, or adopt the CSS part that you are using in them.

Fixed i18n script by taking into account the real add-on order#

By fixing this, we may break how the locales were applied, since the order will now be correct. Please check the translations of your project and add-ons, and verify that the translations are still correct. This could be especially true if you did translation overrides, two add-ons were using different translations for the same msgid, or there were conflicting msgids in different add-ons.

Use proper heading tag (depending on the headline) in default listing template#

This change fixes a bug with the accessibility in listings.

Use apiExpanders to improve performance#

By default, Volto is now configured to use all possible apiExpanders in Plone RESTAPI in order to reduce the XHR requests to only one request.

If you want to retain the old behavior (and no use apiExpanders at all), you need to add this configuration to your project/add-on configuration that will remove all apiExpanders:

config.settings.apiExpanders = [];

Cypress upgraded to 13.1.0#

As usual in a Volto major version release, Cypress has been upgraded to the latest version to date. We are moving from Cypress 11 to Cypress 13. There are no major changes to the way the tests are implemented and run.

However, it could be that your Cypress boilerplate must be updated in your projects and add-ons if you use @testing-library/cypress in your tests. This is due to a change in how the default commands are now built internally and in @testing-library/cypress.

You need to move the import:

import '@testing-library/cypress/add-commands';

from cypress/support/commands.js to cypress/support/e2e.js, in case you have it in there.

This is because the overrides that @testing-library/cypress introduce can be run only once. Since there are some commands that can call exports in cypress/support/commands.js, this import may be run more than once, and then it errors. So you have to make sure that import is run only once while the tests are run.

Check the official Cypress Migration Guide for more information.

New Image component#

Added in version Volto: 17.0.0-alpha.21

A new image component has been added to core to render optimized images. It requires the latest version of plone.restapi (>=8.42.0) installed in the backend to work properly.

Removed Teaser block utils#

The utils.js file of the Teaser block was removed because it is no longer used. You can consider removing it if you were shadowing it in your project.

Grid block migration from @kitconcept/volto-blocks-grid#

The grid block was added to Volto in version 17.0.0-alpha.16. It is based on the @kitconcept/volto-blocks-grid add-on version 7.x.x.

If you previously used @kitconcept/volto-blocks-grid in your project based on a Volto version before 17.0.0-alpha.16, then your site will show two available block types both named Grid. You need to disable one of them based on the following information.

The Volto core grid block uses the Volto default internal blocks-in-block architecture. This differs from the grid block data structure in the add-on @kitconcept/volto-blocks-grid. Because of this difference, they are not compatible, and a data migration is necessary from the add-on to the Volto grid block. This migration is not yet available.

However, the Volto core grid block uses a different internal name, gridBlock, so both block types can coexist. Nonetheless, it is recommended to enable only one grid block type for your users, and eventually use a single version to avoid unexpected behaviors and bugs.

You can disable the one you won't use with one of the following configuration settings.

// This disables the `@kitconcept/volto-blocks-grid` grid block
config.blocks.blocksConfig.__grid.restricted = true;

// This disables the Volto core grid block
config.blocks.blocksConfig.gridBlock.restricted = true;

As long as you keep the add-on in place, your existing blocks will work as expected, even if you restrict the block. We recommend that you disable the @kitconcept/volto-blocks-grid block and use the new Volto core grid block for new content.

Upgrading to Volto 16.x.x#

volto-slate is now in core#

From Volto 16.0.0-alpha.15 onwards, volto-slate is integrated into Volto core and enabled as the default text block. The previous text block text based on draftJS is now deprecated and is restricted (hidden) in Volto bootstrap. This is a major change and should be planned in advance before you install 16.0.0-alpha.15 or later.

Added in version Volto: 16.0.0-alpha.15

volto-slate added to Volto core as the default text block.

Deprecated since version Volto: 16.0.0-alpha.15

text text block based on draftJS is now deprecated and will be removed from core in Volto 18.


Volto 16 is the version used in Plone 6.0.x. Volto 16 has the same maintenance and support schedule as Plone 6.0.

Although draftJS text block deployments are now deprecated, they are supported in Volto 16, will be supported in Volto 17, but will be removed in Volto 18. As such, you are strongly encouraged to migrate existing sites that use draftJS text blocks to slate text blocks.

See below for more information.

These are the possible scenarios:

  • New projects

  • Existing projects, already using volto-slate add-on

  • Existing projects using core draftJS, opting to continue using draftJS

  • Existing projects using core draftJS, opting to start using slate without migrating (possible, but not recommended)

  • Existing projects using core draftJS, opting to migrate to slate

New projects#

New projects are unaffected, since they will use slate as the default text block from the beginning.

Existing projects, already using volto-slate add-on#

For projects already using volto-slate, take the following steps in your project configuration:

  • Remove volto-slate add-on from your project build dependencies.

  • Add these lines to the Jest configuration in your project's package.json:

--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
       "^.+\\.js(x)?$": "babel-jest",
       "^.+\\.css$": "jest-css-modules",
       "^.+\\.scss$": "jest-css-modules",
+      "^.+\\.less$": "jest-css-modules",
       "^.+\\.(png)$": "jest-file",
       "^.+\\.(jpg)$": "jest-file",
       "^.+\\.(svg)$": "./node_modules/@plone/volto/jest-svgsystem-transform.js"
@@ -67,6 +68,7 @@
     "moduleNameMapper": {
       "@plone/volto/babel": "<rootDir>/node_modules/@plone/volto/babel",
       "@plone/volto/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/node_modules/@plone/volto/src/$1",
+      "@plone/volto-slate": "<rootDir>/node_modules/@plone/volto/packages/volto-slate/src",
  • If any of your code depends on volto-slate code, update your imports by adding the namespace @plone/ to the original volto-slate import.

- import { DetachedTextBlockEditor } from 'volto-slate/blocks/Text/DetachedTextBlockEditor';
+ import { DetachedTextBlockEditor } from '@plone/volto-slate/blocks/Text/DetachedTextBlockEditor';

Existing projects using core draftJS, opting to continue using draftJS#

You will have to configure your project to continue using draftJS, for example, in your config.js or in your add-on:

import { WysiwygWidget } from '@plone/volto/components';

config.settings.defaultBlockType = 'text'
config.blocks.blocksConfig.table.restricted = false;
config.blocks.blocksConfig.slateTable.restricted = true;
config.widgets.widget.richtext = WysiwygWidget;

Existing projects using core draftJS, opting to migrate to slate#

Use the blocks-conversion-tool. See plone/blocks-conversion-tool for more information.

Deprecating Node.js 12#

Since April 30, 2022, Node.js 12 is out of Long Term Support by the Node.js community. Node.js 12 is deprecated in Volto 13. Please update your projects to a Node.js LTS version, where either 14 or 16 is supported at the moment of this writing. Version 16 is recommended.

Upgraded to Razzle 4#

Added in version Volto: 16.0.0-alpha.38

Volto has upgraded from Razzle 3 to Razzle 4. You should perform these steps in case you are upgrading to this version or above.

Steps after upgrade#

A few updates may be needed in existing projects:

  1. Add the cache directory to .gitignore.

  2. If package.json includes scripts that run razzle test with the --env=jest-environment-jsdom-sixteen option, update them to use --env=jsdom instead.

  3. Update the jest configuration in package.json to replace the jest-css-modules transform:

    "jest": {
      "transform": {
    -     "^.+\\.css$": "jest-css-modules",
    -     "^.+\\.scss$": "jest-css-modules"
      "moduleNameMapper": {
    +     "\\.(css|less|scss|sass)$": "identity-obj-proxy"
  4. Add the option --noninteractive to the build script.

    -    "build": "razzle build",
    +    "build": "razzle build --noninteractive",
  5. If you use custom Razzle plugins, update them to use the new format with multiple functions. The old format still works, but is deprecated.

  6. If you have customized webpack loader configuration related to CSS, make sure it is updated to be compatible with PostCSS 8.

  7. It's recommended that you remove your existing node_modules and start clean.

  8. If the add-ons you are using are not yet updated to the latest @plone/scripts, it's also recommended that you force the version in your build, setting this in package.json:

    "resolutions": {
      "**/@plone/scripts": "^2.0.0"

Upgrade and update add-ons dependency on @plone/scripts#


This applies only to Volto add-ons.

Most probably you are using @plone/scripts in your add-on, since it's used in i18n messageid generation and has other add-on utilities. When upgrading to Volto 16.0.0-alpha.38 or above, you should upgrade @plone/scripts to version 2.0.0 or above. It's also recommended you move it from dependencies to devDependencies.

diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
   "devDependencies": {
+    "@plone/scripts": "2.0.0",
     "release-it": "^14.14.2"
-  "dependencies": {
-    "@plone/scripts": "*"
-  }
+  "dependencies": {}

You should also do a final step, and change the babel.config.js, removing the preset from razzle/babel to razzle:

diff --git a/babel.config.js b/babel.config.js
index 2f4e1e8..51bd52b 100644
--- a/babel.config.js
+++ b/babel.config.js
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 module.exports = function (api) {
-  const presets = ['razzle/babel'];
+  const presets = ['razzle'];
   const plugins = [
       'react-intl', // React Intl extractor, required for the whole i18n infrastructure to work

Jest is downgraded from version 27 to 26#

Razzle 4 internal API is only compatible with Jest up to version 26.

Upgrade to use yarn 3#

Volto was using the old, classic yarn (v1). It has become quite obsolete and yarn has evolved a lot in recent years. We updated Volto to be able to use it, however some changes have to be made in your project's configuration:

  1. Enable yarn 3 in your project, adding .yarnrc.yml:

    defaultSemverRangePrefix: ""
    nodeLinker: node-modules

    Then, if you are using Node.js >=16.10 run:

    corepack enable
    yarn set version 3.2.3

    Corepack isn't included with Node.js in versions before 16.10. To address that, run:

    npm i -g corepack


    It is highly recommended that you use the latest Node.js 16.

  2. Change your root project Makefile to include these commands:

    +.PHONY: install
    +install: ## Install the frontend
    +       @echo "Install frontend"
    +       $(MAKE) omelette
    +       $(MAKE) preinstall
    +       yarn install
    +.PHONY: preinstall
    +preinstall: ## Preinstall task, checks if missdev (mrs-developer) is present and runs it
    +       if [ -f $$(pwd)/mrs.developer.json ]; then make develop; fi
    +.PHONY: develop
    +develop: ## Runs missdev in the local project (mrs.developer.json should be present)
    +       npx -p mrs-developer missdev --config=jsconfig.json --output=addons --fetch-https
    +.PHONY: omelette
    +omelette: ## Creates the omelette folder that contains a link to the installed version of Volto (a softlink pointing to node_modules/@plone/volto)
    +       if [ ! -d omelette ]; then ln -sf node_modules/@plone/volto omelette; fi
    +.PHONY: patches
    +       /bin/bash patches/patchit.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 ||true

    You can copy the file over to your project if you have not made any amendment to it.

  3. Change your package.json scripts section:

      "version": "1.0.0",
      "scripts": {
        "start": "razzle start",
    -    "preinstall": "if [ -f $(pwd)/mrs.developer.json ]; then if [ -f $(pwd)/node_modules/.bin/missdev ]; then yarn develop; else yarn develop:npx; fi; fi",
    -    "omelette": "if [ ! -d omelette ]; then ln -sf node_modules/@plone/volto omelette; fi",
    -    "patches": "/bin/bash patches/patchit.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 ||true",
    -    "postinstall": "yarn omelette && yarn patches",
    +    "postinstall": "make omelette && make patches",
    -    "patches": "/bin/bash patches/patchit.sh > /dev/null 2>&1 ||true",

    Yarn 3 no longer supports inline bash scripts in the scripts section. It does not support the preinstall lifecycle state, so we cannot trigger things while we run yarn install or just yarn. As a result, we moved all the commands related to the preinstall actions into Makefile, then updated the calls in both files as shown above.


    After making the changes in this step, we will have to modify our development workflow, especially if we use actions that happened during the preinstall state. The most relevant one is updating the code that is managed by mrs-developer. If you follow the code above, you'll need to call these Makefile commands before each yarn install. It's recommended to use the make install command instead of just yarn or yarn install.

    make install

    Remember to update your CI scripts accordingly.

  4. Yarn 3 does not allow the use of commands not declared as direct dependencies. In your project, you should add razzle and @plone/scripts as development dependencies:

    devDependencies: {
    +        "@plone/scripts": "^2.1.2",
    +        "razzle": "4.2.17",
  5. Replace your project yarn.lock with Volto's, then run yarn again.

Removed date-fns from build#

The date-fns library has been removed from Volto's dependencies. It was in the build because Cypress depended on it. After Cypress was upgraded, it no longer depends on date-fns. If your project still depends on date-fns, add it as a dependency of your project.


The date-fns version present in the build was quite old (1.x.x series). Beware when using an updated version (2.x.x), as it may contain some breaking changes.

If you need to format dates in Volto, it's recommended to use the FormattedDate component in Volto core. It uses modern recommendations for date formatting on the web.

Upgraded core to use Cypress 11#

Cypress has overhauled their testing application, beginning with Cypress 10. It now includes native support of Apple silicon chip computers. This dramatically improved the launch and test times on those machines. It also includes the new "component" testing feature that might be appealing in the near future.

The only drawback is that they also overhauled the configuration, forcing migration from old configuration based on JSON files to a better JavaScript-based one. They also changed and renamed some options. Luckily, Cypress provides both good reporting when an old configuration is in place, and an interactive migration wizard.

Core configuration has been updated to use Cypress 11. You will need to update your Cypress configuration from versions older than Cypress 10 if you want to use core's Cypress 11. If you have already updated your configuration to use Cypress 10 or later in a previous upgrade, your configuration might already work with Cypress 11. It is possible that forcing your project to use older versions might still work with old configurations.

The complete configuration registry is passed to the add-ons and the project configuration pipeline#

The core in versions prior to Volto 16.0.0-alpha.22 passed a simplified version of the configuration registry—in fact, a plain object primitive—to the add-on list and project configuration pipeline.

From Volto 16.0.0-alpha.22 onwards, the full configuration registry is passed through the pipeline. This allows you to have access to the advanced registry features, like the new component registry. You may want to update your configuration in case you updated the primitive using basic object operators (spread, and others) in the configuration object itself. For example, this will not work anymore:

return {
  blocks: {
    blocksConfig: {
      listing: listing(config),
  views: {
    contentTypesViews: {
      Folder: NewsAndEvents,

Using the spread operator while you mutate the configuration object is not required. You can mutate the object properties directly, like:

const applyConfig = (config) => {
  config.blocks.blocksConfig.testBlock = testBlock;
  config.blocks.blocksConfig.listing = listing(config);
  config.views.contentTypesViews.Folder = NewsAndEvents;

  return config;

The other rules apply, so make sure you return the config object after mutating it.

Refactor the component registry API in the configuration registry#

After a period of testing, this experimental feature has been refactored to adequate existing requirements.

Renamed registry.resolve to registry.getComponent#

- registry.resolve(componentName)?.component;
+ registry.getComponent(componentName)?.component;

registry.getComponent signature changes#

It maintains signature compatibility with registry.resolve, but introduces new arguments for greater flexibility.

See documentation for more information.

Changed in version Volto: 16.0.0-alpha.23

The component argument changed in 16.0.0-alpha.23. The component key has been flattened for simplification and now it's mapped directly to the component argument of registerComponent:

    name: 'Teaser',
    component: MyTeaserDefaultComponent,

Main workflow change menu changed from Pastanaga UI simplification to Classic UI Plone implementation#

Pastanaga UI envisioned a simplification of the classic Plone workflow change dropdown. The transition names were too cryptic, and it was difficult to infer the destination state from them. This simplification was meant to show the destination state as a transition name, simplifying the user experience.

This vision was partially implemented in Volto, bypassing the information coming from Plone, waiting for the next step: introduce this vision in Plone core (thus, change the workflow definitions) including this simplified mode, but maintaining the complete mode with the full transition names.

Since this never happened, we are going back to the Classic UI mode, so the dropdown will show the transition names. When the simplified vision is implemented, we will revisit it.

Move Layout constants to config.views.layoutViewsNamesMapping.#

The constants layout module was removed in favor of an object in the configuration registry, config.views.layoutViewsNamesMapping.

If you added or modified the Plone layout views literal mapping, you should now use this setting, and you can remove the module shadowing customization.

You can now add an i18n id for any layout that you create as well, since the Display component is now i18n aware.

This is the structure of config.views.layoutViewsNamesMapping:

export const layoutViewsNamesMapping = {
  album_view: 'Album view',
  event_listing: 'Event listing',
  full_view: 'All content',
  listing_view: 'Listing view',
  summary_view: 'Summary view',
  tabular_view: 'Tabular view',
  layout_view: 'Mosaic layout',
  document_view: 'Document view',
  folder_listing: 'Folder listing',
  newsitem_view: 'News item view',
  link_redirect_view: 'Link redirect view',
  file_view: 'File view',
  image_view: 'Image view',
  event_view: 'Event view',
  view: 'Default view',

The keys are the name of the Plone layout, and the values are the i18n id (English as default message).

Then you can add the i18n message in your project's src/config.js or your add-on's src/index.js:

import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
  album_view: {
    id: 'Album view',
    defaultMessage: 'Album view',

react-window is no longer a Volto dependency#

Volto used this library to generate dynamic "windowed/virtualized" select widget options. It moved to use react-virtualized instead of react-window because it provides a broader feature set that Volto requires. If you were using it in your project, you will need to include it as a direct dependency from now on.

Change the way the style wrapper is enabled and how to add the styles field#

During the alpha stage, we received feedback and determined that it's too difficult to deal with a separate way to define (and extend) the styles schema. We decided it is best to deal with it as any other schema field and enhance it via schema enhancers. This improves the developer experience, especially when dealing with variations that can provide their own styles and other schema fields.

Deprecated since version Volto: 16.0.0-alpha.46

The options enableStyling and stylesSchema no longer work. You need to provide them using your own block schema. If you are extending an existing one, you should add it as a normal schemaEnhancer modification.

Sentry integration moved from Volto core to add-on#

The Sentry integration was implemented in Volto core at a time when Volto did not provide a good add-on story. Since then, the add-on story has improved. It now makes sense to extract this feature into its own add-on. Integrate Sentry in your app with @plone-collective/volto-sentry.

Changed in version Volto: 16.0.0.alpha.45

Upgrade husky to latest version#

In case you use husky in your projects (like Volto does), you must adapt to the new way that husky defines hooks.

You will have to add a script in your package.json file called prepare:

     "build": "razzle build --noninteractive",
+    "prepare": "husky install",
     "test": "razzle test --maxWorkers=50%",

After executing it, husky will install itself in the .husky folder of your project. Then you need to create the default hook scripts in .husky that you want to execute. You can copy over the Volto ones (take a look in Volto's .husky folder).

Better defaults handling#

Added in version Volto: 16.0.0-alpha.51

Prior to this version, we handled default values in schemas for blocks settings in a faulty and buggy manner. The state inferred was not deterministic and depended on the fields with defaults present.

To correct this and allow Volto to handle defaults in a correct way, we have to pass down an additional prop to the BlockDataForm whenever we use it in our custom or add-on code, as in the following example.

 1  <BlockDataForm
 2    schema={schema}
 3    title={schema.title}
 4    onChangeField={(id, value) => {
 5      this.props.onChangeBlock(this.props.block, {
 6        ...this.props.data,
 7        [id]: value,
 8      });
 9    }}
10    onChangeBlock={onChangeBlock}
11    formData={this.props.data}
12    block={block}
13  />

Upgrading to Volto 15.x.x#

Update your Rich Text Editor configuration#

DraftJS libraries are now lazy-loaded, and some changes have been introduced in the way that the rich text editor is bootstrapped. In case you have extended the rich text editor configuration in your projects you have to update your src/config.js:

The old way:

export default function applyConfig(config) {
  config.settings = {
    listBlockTypes = [
  return config;

The new way:

export default function applyConfig(config) {
  const { richtextEditorSettings } = config.settings;
  config.settings.richtextEditorSettings = (props) => {
    const result = richtextEditorSettings(props);
    result.listBlockTypes = [...result.listBlockTypes, 'my-list-item']
    return result;
  return config;

Language Switcher no longer takes care of the sync of the language#

This responsibility has been transferred in full to the API Redux middleware, if you have shadowed either LanguageSwitcher or MultilingualRedirector (during the alpha phase) components, please update them. Not doing so won't break your project, but they won't get the latest features and bug fixes, and probably will update the language cookie twice.

LinkView component markup change#

The LinkView component with the literal The link address is: <the link> is now wrapped in a <p> block instead of a <span> block. Please check if you have a CSS bound to that node and adjust accordingly.

Rename core-sandbox fixture to coresandbox#

Only applying to Volto core development, for the sake of consistency with the other fixtures, core-sandbox fixture it's been renamed to coresandbox in all scripts and related file paths and filenames.

Extend the original intent and rename RAZZLE_TESTING_ADDONS to ADDONS#

Originally the RAZZLE_TESTING_ADDONS environment variable was an escape hatch to load some components and configurations not present in vanilla Volto. One could enable them at will. Initially thought as fixtures for acceptance tests, the original intent has been repurposed and extended to just ADDONS. One could extend the ADDONS list configuration via this environment variable.

It works for published packages, such as those add-ons that live in the packages folder locally to your project. This is similar to the testing add-ons from vanilla Volto.

Use @root alias instead of ~#

A new @root alias has been set up to replace the ~ alias. Support for the ~ alias is still in place, but we now mark it as deprecated. The use of ~ will be removed in Volto 16.

Deprecated since version Volto: 15.0

Upgrading to Volto 14.x.x#

Revisited, rethought and refactored seamless mode#

Seamless mode was released as experimental in Volto 13. However, after a period of testing some issues were detected so the feature has been rethought and refactored.

If you want to take full advantage of seamless mode you should upgrade your backend to the latest plone.restapi (8.12.1 or greater) and plone.rest (2.0.0a1 or greater) versions.

If you were already using Seamless mode in your deployments, you should update them as explained in the deployment documentation (link just below).


The proxy in development mode will only work using the new traversal ++api++. You need to upgrade your development environment to include the requirements explained above.

Read the full documentation about Seamless mode: Seamless mode.

Update i18n configuration for projects and add-ons#

The i18n script and infrastructure have been moved to their own package since we needed them to be independent of Volto itself. This was necessary for being able to use them from the add-ons without having to install the whole Volto package (which is not possible).

@plone/scripts package is the placeholder of the script, which has also been improved alongside the infrastructure (Babel config) for it to run.

Steps for migration:


In a project's package.json replace the scripts i18n line with this one:

   "scripts": {
-    "i18n": "NODE_ENV=production node src/i18n.js"
+    "i18n": "rm -rf build/messages && NODE_ENV=production i18n"
+  },


If you are an add-on maintainer, remove the src/i18n.js script, since it's useless. Within the scripts section of package.json apply the following change:

   "scripts": {
-    "i18n": "NODE_ENV=production node node_modules/@plone/volto/src/i18n.js",
+    "i18n": "rm -rf build/messages && NODE_ENV=production i18n --addon",

afterwards add this to the dependencies list:

+  "dependencies": {
+    "@plone/scripts": "*"

Apply the following diff to your add-on's babel.config.js:

-module.exports = require('@plone/volto/babel');
+module.exports = function (api) {
+  api.cache(true);
+  const presets = ['razzle/babel'];
+  const plugins = [
+    [
+      'react-intl', // React Intl extractor, required for the whole i18n infrastructure to work
+      {
+        messagesDir: './build/messages/',
+      },
+    ],
+  ];
+  return {
+    plugins,
+    presets,
+  };


For convenience the i18n script is now an executable in the Node.js environment.

Removal of the old configuration system based on imports#

As announced in the deprecation notice in Volto 12 release, from Volto 14 onwards, the old configuration system based on imports will stop working. Migrate your Volto configuration for your projects before upgrading to Volto 14.

More information: :ref:frontend-upgrade-guide-volto-configuration-registry-label.

Content locking#

Not really a breaking change, but it's worth noting it. By default, Volto 14 comes with Locking support enabled, if the backend supports it. Thus:

  • Upgrade Plone RestAPI

    • plone.restapi>=8.9.0 (Plone 5+)

    • plone.restapi>=7.4.0 (Plone 4)

  • Update plone:CORSPolicy to include Lock-Token within allow_headers:


Blocks chooser now uses the title instead of the id of the block as translation source#

The BlockChooser component now uses the title of the block as source for translating the block title. Before, it took the id of the block, which is utterly wrong and misleading. There is a chance that this change will trigger untranslated blocks titles in your projects and add-ons.

Variation field now uses the title instead of the id of the variation as translation source#

Following the same convention as the above change, Variation field coming from the block enhancers now uses the title of the block as source for translating the variation title. Before, it took the id of the block, which as stated before, is wrong and misleading. There is a chance that this change will trigger untranslated variation titles in your projects and add-ons.

Listing block no longer retrieve fullobjects by default#

The query used by the listing block always used the fullobjects flag, which fully serialized (and thus, wake from the db) the resultant response items. This was causing performance issues. From Volto 14, the results will get the normal catalog query metadata results. You'll need to adapt your code to get the appropriate data if required and/or use the metadata counterparts. If your custom code depends on this behavior and you don't have time to adapt now, there's a scape hatch: set an additional fullobjects key to true per variation in the variation of the listing block config object:

    variations: [
        id: 'default',
        isDefault: true,
        title: 'Default',
        template: DefaultListingBlockTemplate,
        fullobjects: true


This feature needs at least plone.restapi >= 8.13.0 and plone.volto 3.1a4. You need to update the catalog from your existing objects in your database, if you have already a production site in place, in order to have the new metadata filled in the catalog.

New mobile navigation menu#

The mobile navigation menu has been improved using a customizable CSSTransition group animation. It is a breaking change since this change introduces new classes and HTML to accomplish it. A new NavItems helper (presentational) component has been introduced as well. However, the API of the component hasn't changed so your customizations/shadowed components (if any) are safe. If you want to use the new stock menu and interaction, and you have customizations/shadowed components, you need to update them using the stock one.

Adjusted main Logo component styling#

In order to match the Plone logo and in lieu to use a better generic icon starting point, the Logo.jsx component and .logo-nav-wrapper styling have been adjusted. The logo is not constrained by default to 64px and the wrapper now centers vertically. Please check that your project logo placeholder is still in good shape after upgrade.

Move theme.js import to top of the client code#

This is not a strict breaking change, but it's worth mentioning it as it might be important to keep in mind, especially if you are using inline CSS imports in your code, it might change your CSS cascade apply order. However, if you use the theme approach adding custom.overrides/custom.less files, you are good to go since they are applied in the same batch.

getVocabulary action changed its signature#

The getVocabulary action has changed API. Before, it used separate positional arguments, but now it uses named arguments by passing a single object as the argument. You'll have to adjust any call you do if you are using this action in custom code to the new API.

Upgrading to Volto 13.x.x#

Deprecating Node.js 10#

Since April 30th, 2021 Node.js 10 is out of Long Term Support by the Node.js community, so we are deprecating it in Volto 13. Please update your projects to a Node.js LTS version (12 or 14 at the moment of this writing).

Seamless mode is the default in development mode#

Not really a breaking change, but it's worth noting it. By default, Volto 13 in development mode uses the internal proxy in seamless mode otherwise configured differently. To learn more about the seamless mode read: Seamless mode and Zero configuration builds.

Refactored Listing block using schemas and ObjectWidget#

The Listing block has been heavily refactored using schema forms and BlockDataForm as well as the other new internal artifacts to leverage blocks variations and extensions at the same time simplifying it.

Furthermore, the "More..." link it's now opt-in, instead of always-in. If your projects rely on it, you should set the block setting config.blocks.blocksConfig.listing.showLinkMore to true.

The advantage of this is that now you can use the QuerystringWidget with schema based data forms in a reusable way in your custom blocks. See the Listing block code for further references.

Migrate your existing listing blocks#

(Updated: 2021/06/12) If you have an existing Volto installation and you are using listing blocks, you must run an upgrade step in order to match the new listing internals. You can find this upgrade step in the plone.volto package. You can run the step from there if you have installed plone.volto in your project, it's named Migrate listing blocks from Volto 12 to Volto 13. You can find it in the Add-ons control panel. Alternatively, you can transfer it to your own integration packages and run it from there.


def from12to13_migrate_listings(context):
    def migrate_listing(originBlocks):
        blocks = deepcopy(originBlocks)
        for blockid in blocks:
            block = blocks[blockid]
            if block["@type"] == "listing":
                if block.get("template", False) and not block.get("variation", False):
                    block["variation"] = block["template"]
                    del block["template"]
                if block.get("template", False) and block.get("variation", False):
                    del block["template"]

                # Migrate to internal structure
                if not block.get("querystring", False):
                    # Creates if it is not created
                    block["querystring"] = {}
                if block.get("query", False) or block.get("query") == []:
                    block["querystring"]["query"] = block["query"]
                    del block["query"]
                if block.get("sort_on", False):
                    block["querystring"]["sort_on"] = block["sort_on"]
                    del block["sort_on"]
                if block.get("sort_order", False):
                    block["querystring"]["sort_order"] = block["sort_order"]
                    if isinstance(block["sort_order"], bool):
                        block["querystring"]["sort_order"] = (
                            "descending" if block["sort_order"] else "ascending"
                        block["querystring"]["sort_order"] = block["sort_order"]
                    block["querystring"]["sort_order_boolean"] = (
                        if block["sort_order"] == "descending" or block["sort_order"]
                        else False
                    del block["sort_order"]
                if block.get("limit", False):
                    block["querystring"]["limit"] = block["limit"]
                    del block["limit"]
                if block.get("batch_size", False):
                    block["querystring"]["batch_size"] = block["batch_size"]
                    del block["batch_size"]
                if block.get("depth", False):
                    block["querystring"]["depth"] = block["depth"]
                    del block["depth"]

                # batch_size to b_size, idempotent
                if block["querystring"].get("batch_size", False):
                    block["querystring"]["b_size"] = block["querystring"]["batch_size"]
                    del block["querystring"]["batch_size"]

                print(f"Migrated listing in {obj.absolute_url()}")

        return blocks

    pc = api.portal.get_tool("portal_catalog")
    for brain in pc.unrestrictedSearchResults(object_provides=IBlocks.__identifier__):
        obj = brain.getObject()
        obj.blocks = migrate_listing(obj.blocks)

If you have trouble configuring the upgrade step in your own package, you can take a look and configure it as in plone.volto as shown in this PR: kitconcept/kitconcept.volto#29


When an official integration package exists, these upgrade steps in the backend will be provided in there.

Update your custom variations (templates) in your project listing blocks#

In the case that you have custom templates for your listing blocks in your projects, it's required that you update the definitions to match the new core variations syntax.

Going from this:

config.blocks.blocksConfig.listing.templates = {
  mycustomvariationid: {
    label: 'My custom listing variation',
    template: MyCustomListingBlockTemplate,

To this:

  config.blocks.blocksConfig.listing.variations = [
      id: 'mycustomvariationid',
      isDefault: false,
      title: 'My custom listing variation',
      template: MyCustomListingBlockTemplate,

Control panel icons are now SVG based instead of font based#

It was long due, the control panel overview route /controlpanel is now using SVG icons from the Pastanaga icon set, instead of the deprecated font ones. If you have customized or created a control panel and you are using it in Volto, you should update it and use the config registry setting: controlPanelsIcons and add the name of your control panel and the related SVG like:

import myfancyiconSVG from '@plone/volto/icons/myfancyicon.svg';
import config from '@plone/volto/registry'

config.settings.controlPanelsIcons.mynewcontrolpanelid = myfancyiconSVG;

Login form UI and accessibility updated#

Not really a breaking change, but it's worth to note that we changed the look and feel of the login form and improved its usability and accessibility. Another move towards the new Quanta look and feel.

Changes in the Table block feature set and messages#

The "inverted" option in Table Block was removed since it was useless with the current CSS set. Better naming of options and labels in table block (English). Updating the i18n messages for the used translations is advisable, but not required.

Upgrading to Volto 12.x.x#

Volto configuration registry#

The configuration object in Volto is located in the ~/config module and uses it as container of Volto's config taking advantage of the ES6 module system. So we "import" the config every time we need it, then the exported config data in that module "magically" is there whenever we want to access to it.

It's been a while since we were experiencing undesired side effects from "circular import dependency" problems in Volto, due to the very nature of the solution (importing the ~/config). Although they aren't very noticeable, they are there, waiting to bite us. In fact, circular dependencies are common in Node.js world, and the very nature of how it works make them "workable" thanks to the Node.js own import resolution algorithm. So the "build" always works, although we have the circular dependencies, but that leads to weird problems like (just to mention one of them) the hot module replacement (HMR) not working properly.

That's why in this version we are introducing the new Volto's Configuration Registry. It's a centralized singleton that is populated from the core config module and can be modified by the add-ons and the project itself. The code, instead of using imports to get it, imports the singleton and then access the proper registry key inside it (settings, blocks, views, etc...)

Changes in your code (and local customizations)#

This was the old way:

import { settings } from '~/config'


and this is the new way:

import config from '@plone/volto/registry'

config.settings.isMultilingual = true


The old way of using the import to get Volto's configuration will still be working as long as you support it in your project src/config but it will be deprecated and will stop working from Volto 14 onwards.

It is highly advisable that you use the new configuration registry right away. Your custom code (and Volto customizations using the shadowing engine) has to adapt to the new way of reading the config from the new Volto's Configuration. However, it won't be mandatory until Volto 14, leaving the community time to adapt their code and projects.


If you are an add-on maintainer, and you migrate your add-on to be Volto 12 compatible, it's recommended that you add it as peerDependencies for Volto 12.

  "peerDependencies": {
    "@plone/volto": ">=12.0.0"

Changes in your project's routes module#

--- a/src/routes.js
+++ b/src/routes.js
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@

 import { App } from '@plone/volto/components';
 import { defaultRoutes } from '@plone/volto/routes';
-import { addonRoutes } from '~/config';
+import config from '@plone/volto/registry';

  * Routes array.
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ const routes = [
     component: App, // Change this if you want a different component
     routes: [
       // Add your routes here
-      ...(addonRoutes || []),
+      ...(config.addonRoutes || []),

Changes in your project's config module#

Remove the imports and the exports in your src/config.js:

--- a/src/config.js
+++ b/src/config.js
@@ -12,30 +12,11 @@
  * }

-import {
-  settings as defaultSettings,
-  views as defaultViews,
-  widgets as defaultWidgets,
-  blocks as defaultBlocks,
-  addonReducers as defaultAddonReducers,
-  addonRoutes as defaultAddonRoutes,
-} from '@plone/volto/config';
+import '@plone/volto/config';

-export const settings = {
-  ...defaultSettings,
-export const views = {
-  ...defaultViews,
-export const widgets = {
-  ...defaultWidgets,
-export const blocks = {
-  ...defaultBlocks,
-export const addonRoutes = [...defaultAddonRoutes];
-export const addonReducers = { ...defaultAddonReducers };

notice from the diff, that you must add this import AFTER all your imports:

// All your imports required for the config here BEFORE this line
import '@plone/volto/config';

Then add this function as default export at the end of your src/config.js module:

export default function applyConfig(config) {
  // Add here your project config
  return config;

It has the same signature, and it's used like the applyConfig() function in index.js module add-ons. You should place your project's configuration here and mutate the config like you would do it in add-ons.

Let's show it in an example. Let's say you have this config in your project's src/config module:

export const settings = {
  isMultilingual: true,
  supportedLanguages: ['en', 'de'],
  defaultLanguage: 'de',
  navDepth: 3,

then you'll add the applyConfig() function as default export and copy that settings key in it:

export default function applyConfig(config) {
  config.settings = {
    isMultilingual: true,
    supportedLanguages: ['en', 'de'],
    defaultLanguage: 'de',
    navDepth: 3,
  return config;


The add-ons you might be using might need to migrate to use the new configuration registry too. Make sure all of them are already migrated to Volto 12.


Although this might be daunting, the migration is quite straightforward, and the refactoring of the required code can be undergone through a series of "search and replace" in your IDE of choice.

Changes in your project's package.json#

You need to update the setupFiles key of your jest configuration:

     "setupFiles": [
-      "@plone/volto/test-setup.js"
+      "@plone/volto/test-setup-globals.js",
+      "@plone/volto/test-setup-config.js"

Changes in snapshots tests in your project#

Please note that your tests' snapshots will also change because of the new testing mocks (in widgets, blocks and in views). You should review them, make sure that the mocks are there instead of the real mocked components and accept them.

Alternative - both configurations coexisting#


This configuration is not recommended and might lead to inconsistencies and has been tested only partially and can you can find unseen problems. This method is only a workaround in case the add-ons you are using are not yet migrated, or you can't migrate your code. And in any case, as stated above, it will be deprecated and will stop working in Volto 14.

Make the following changes to your src/config.js, first remove the main imports, and add the import to the new config registry:

-import {
-  settings as defaultSettings,
-  views as defaultViews,
-  widgets as defaultWidgets,
-  blocks as defaultBlocks,
-  addonReducers as defaultAddonReducers,
-  addonRoutes as defaultAddonRoutes,
-} from '@plone/volto/config';
+import ConfigRegistry from '@plone/volto/registry';

then after the last existing import in your existing src/config.js add:

import * as voltoDefaultConfig from '@plone/volto/config';

Remove all the default exports, but save your config for later use:

-export const settings = {
-  ...defaultSettings,
-export const views = {
-  ...defaultViews,
-export const widgets = {
-  ...defaultWidgets,
-export const blocks = {
-  ...defaultBlocks,
-export const addonRoutes = [...defaultAddonRoutes];
-export const addonReducers = { ...defaultAddonReducers };

showing in the diff the default ones, you should have your configuration inside those, like:

export const settings = {
  isMultilingual: true,
  supportedLanguages: ['en', 'de'],
  defaultLanguage: 'de',
  navDepth: 3,

At the end of your src/config.js:

+const localconfig = {
+  ...voltoDefaultConfig,
+const applyLocalConfig = applyConfig(localconfig);
+ConfigRegistry.settings = applyLocalConfig.settings;
+ConfigRegistry.blocks = applyLocalConfig.blocks;
+ConfigRegistry.views = applyLocalConfig.views;
+ConfigRegistry.widgets = applyLocalConfig.widgets;
+ConfigRegistry.addonRoutes = applyLocalConfig.addonRoutes;
+ConfigRegistry.addonReducers = applyLocalConfig.addonReducers;
+export const settings = applyLocalConfig.settings;
+export const blocks = applyLocalConfig.blocks;
+export const views = applyLocalConfig.views;
+export const widgets = applyLocalConfig.widgets;
+export const addonRoutes = applyLocalConfig.addonRoutes;
+export const addonReducers = applyLocalConfig.addonReducers;

Migrate your config to the new config registry style, but not as a default export, at the end of src/config.js:

+function applyConfig(config) {
+  config.settings = {
+    ...config.settings,
+    isMultilingual: true,
+    supportedLanguages: ['en', 'de'],
+    defaultLanguage: 'de',
+    navDepth: 3,
+  };


Although you can keep both ways of using Volto's config it is recommended you use the new registry based configuration as soon as possible, as we discourage you to continue using the old way.

Upgrading to Volto 11.x.x#

AlignBlock component new placement and import path#

Due to problems with circular dependencies, the AlignBlock was moved to helpers and used from there. Unfortunately, it was proven to be worse overall. We moved it (with a known workaround) to its rightful place again.

If your code is importing it from helpers, you should update it to the new path:

- import { AlignBlock } from '@plone/volto/helpers';
+ import AlignBlock from '@plone/volto/components/manage/Sidebar/AlignBlock';

id is removed from FormFieldWrapper#

We have removed the id from the FormFieldWrapper because it coincides with the label id if we don't provide the fieldset.

If you have cypress tests which depends on this id then just remove the id from the test and if the test fails then just add .react-select-container instead of your id. See plone/volto#2102 for more details.

New Default Listing Template#


If you have customized the default listing template this change possibly does not have an effect on your project.

The default Template for the Listing Block now no longer contains an image. The old default Template has been renamed to "Summary". This will lead to every Listing Block in your Project that uses the default Template to now use the new default Template, and thus, no longer showing the image.

To resolve this you can change the template of the affected Listing Blocks either manually or by writing a backend script for that.

Upgrading to Volto 10.x.x#

Remove the Razzle plugins patch#


If you haven't upgraded your project to Volto 9.x.x and followed the upgrade guide instructions, you are set, and you do not need to do anything.

In order to have support for Razzle plugins as local modules we introduced a patch in 9.0.0 that addressed the lack of support in Razzle 3.3.7 . Unfortunately, not only did that introduced more headaches than benefits, but inadvertently we introduced a bug on the patch. We've found a workaround to still support plugins as local modules without patching Razzle, however that forces you to delete the patch introduced in your projects if you followed the 9.x.x upgrade guide steps.

getContent changes#

The content is no longer fetched from Volto with the fullobjects flag in the request. If your code relied on children being fully serialized with their parent, you should refactor it. Alternatively, you can set settings.bbb_getContentFetchesFullobjects to true to get the old behavior.

@testing-library/react upgrade notice#

@testing-library/react has been upgraded too, and it comes with some internal API changes too, so if you make heavy use of it in your tests, you might need to update your testing code to adapt to the changes. Please refer to the @testing-library/react documentation for further information if needed.

Upgrading to Volto 9.x.x#

Internal upgrade to use Razzle 3.3.7#


If you haven't customized your razzle.config.js in your project, or have any custom plugin in place, you don't have to do anything.

Razzle is the isometric build system for both the server and the client parts on top of which Volto is built. Recently, it has been under heavy development and some new exciting features have been added to it. The Razzle configuration is now more flexible and extensible than ever.

This change might be breaking for you if you customized the razzle.config.js heavily in your projects. Since the new version adds a new way to extend Razzle configuration, you should adapt your extensions to the new way of doing it. See the documentation for more information: https://razzlejs.org/docs/customization#extending-webpack

It also unifies the way things are extended in Razzle plugins as well, so if you are using any official or third party Razzle plugins you should upgrade them to the latest version. If you have developed your own Razzle plugin, you should adapt its signature as well. See the documentation for more information: https://razzlejs.org/docs/customization#plugins

Razzle 3.3 also has some new experimental features, that will be default in the upcoming Razzle 4, such as the new React Fast Refresh feature, which fixes the annoying breaking of the router after any live refresh.

See the documentation of Razzle for more information: https://razzlejs.org/

Changes involved#

We need to patch an internal Razzle utility in order to allow the use of non-released Razzle plugins. This feature will be in Razzle 4, unfortunately at this point the development of the Razzle 3 branch is freezed already, so we need to amend the original using the patch. The patch will be obsolete and no longer required once we move to Razzle 4 (see jaredpalmer/razzle#1467).


Since Volto 9.2.0 the next step IS NOT required anymore.

Copy (and overwrite) the patches folder into your local project or, if you want to be more accurate, just copy patches/razzle-plugins.patch file and overwrite patches/patchit.sh file.

Babel config housekeeping#

Historically, Volto was using "stage-0" TC-39 proposals. The configuration was starting to show its age, since Babel 7 decided to stop maintaining the presets for stages, we moved to use a static configuration instead of a managed one. That lead to a "living on the edge" situation since we supported proposals that didn't make the cut. For more information about the TC39 approval process read (https://tc39.es/process-document/)

We decided to put a bit of order to the chaos and declare that Volto will support only stage-4 approved proposals. They are supported by @babel/preset-env out of the box and provide a good sensible default baseline for Volto.

Proposal deprecations:

  • @babel/plugin-proposal-decorators

  • @babel/plugin-proposal-function-bind

  • @babel/plugin-proposal-do-expressions

  • @babel/plugin-proposal-logical-assignment-operators

  • @babel/plugin-proposal-pipeline-operator

  • @babel/plugin-proposal-function-sent

In fact, Volto core only used the first one (decorators) and we made the move to not use them anymore a long time ago. However, if you were using some of the other presets, your code will stop compiling. Migrate your code or if you want to use the proposal anyways, you'll need to provide the configuration to your own project (babel.config.js) in your project root folder.

You might still be using the old-style connecting of your components to the Redux store using @connect decorator, in that case, take a look at any connected component in Volto to have a glimpse on how to migrate the code.

If you were not using any of the deprecated proposals (the most common use case), then you are good to go, and you don't have to do anything.

Hoisting problems on some setups#

Some people were experimenting weird hoisting issues when installing dependencies. This was caused by Babel deprecated proposals packages and its peer dependencies that sometimes conflicted with other installed packages.

Volto's new Babel configuration uses the configuration provided by babel-razzle-preset package (Razzle dependency) and delegates the dependencies management to it, except a few Babel plugins that Volto still needs to work.

In order for your projects not have any problem with the new configuration and comply with the new model, you need to remove any local dependency on @babel/core and let Volto handle them.

diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -183,7 +183,6 @@
     "node": "^10 || ^12 "
   "dependencies": {
-    "@babel/core": "7.11.1",
     "@plone/volto": "8.9.2",
     "mrs-developer": "1.2.0",

New webpack resolver plugin#

A new webpack resolver plugin has been integrated with Volto, it reroutes 'local' resolve requests (for example import Something from './Something') to 'absolute' resolve requests (like import Something from '@plone/myaddon/Something). This allows the shadow-based customization mechanisms to work consistently with add-ons and Volto.

This is not a breaking change, and it shouldn't affect any existing code, but by its very nature, a resolver plugin has the potential to introduce unexpected behavior. Just be aware of its existence and take it into consideration if you notice anything strange.

Content Types icons#

Helper method getIcon from Url has been removed in favor of getContentIcon from Content which is now configurable.

See contentIcons.

Upgrading to Volto 8.x.x#

Upgrade package.json testing configuration#

The dummy-addons-loader.js file has been renamed to jest-addons-loader.js, to be more in line with the rest of the existing files. You should add the following value to the moduleNameMapper property of the jest key in your project's package.json:

"load-volto-addons": "<rootDir>/node_modules/@plone/volto/jest-addons-loader.js",

Upgrading to Volto 7.x.x#

A misspelled file has been renamed. If you import strickthrough.svg in your project, you'll now find that file at @plone/volto/icons/strikethrough.svg.

New webpack resolve alias for Volto themes#

As a "nice to have", a new resolve alias is provided that points to Volto's theme folder. So, in your project's theme.config file, you can replace:

@themesFolder: '../../node_modules/@plone/volto/theme/themes';
@siteFolder: "../../theme";
@fontPath : "../../@{theme}/assets/fonts";


@themesFolder: '~volto-themes';
@siteFolder: '~@package/../theme';
@fontPath: "~volto-themes/@{theme}/assets/fonts";

You might consider moving your theme files to a subfolder called site, to prepare for the arrival of add-ons theming and their overrides. In that case, you would set your @siteFolder to:

@siteFolder: '~@package/../theme/site';

Upgrading to Volto 6.x.x#

First, update the package.json of your Volto project to Volto 6.x.x.

  "dependencies": {
    "@plone/volto": "6.0.0",


This release includes a number of changes to the internal dependencies. If you have problems building your project, you might need to remove your node_modules and, ultimately, also remove your yarn.lock file. Then run again yarn for rebuilding the dependencies.

Upgrade to Node.js 12#

We have now dependencies that requires node >=10.19.0. Although Node.js 10 has still LTS "maintenance" treatment (see nodejs/release) the recommended path is that you use from now on Node.js 12 which is LTS since last October.

Upgrade local dependencies versions#

You need to update devDependencies in package.json in your local environment:

  "devDependencies": {
    "eslint-plugin-prettier": "3.1.3",
    "prettier": "2.0.5",
    "stylelint-config-idiomatic-order": "8.1.0",
    "stylelint-config-prettier": "8.0.1",
    "stylelint-prettier": "1.1.2",

and remove entirely the resolutions key:

  "resolutions": {
    "@plone/volto/razzle/webpack-dev-server": "3.2.0"

Update package.json config#

Add this key to the jest.moduleNameMapper:

  "moduleNameMapper": {
    "@plone/volto/babel": "<rootDir>/node_modules/@plone/volto/babel",

because the new version of Jest is a bit more picky when importing externals. Attention, this mapping needs to be the first, it needs to come before the @plone/volto/(.*)$ key.


Prettier has been updated, introducing some breaking formatting changes. It's recommended that you upgrade your local version of prettier and reformat your code with it using:

yarn prettier:fix


stylelint has been upgraded too, and it introduces some changes in the declaration of the styles order. It's recommended that you upgrade your local version of prettier and reformat your code with it using:

yarn stylelint:fix

CSS modules are not supported anymore#

Razzle does not support them anymore, so neither do we. If you need them, you could add a Webpack config in your local razzle.config.js.

Update your eslint config#

Introduced in the Volto 5 series, it's recommended that you update your local ESLint config. In the past, we used .eslintrc file to do so. In order to support automatically Volto add-ons, you should remove it and use a JS based config named .eslintrc.js with this content:

const path = require('path');
const projectRootPath = path.resolve('.');
const packageJson = require(path.join(projectRootPath, 'package.json'));

// Extends ESlint configuration for adding the aliases to `src` directories in Volto add-ons
const addonsAliases = [];
if (packageJson.addons) {
  const addons = packageJson.addons;
  addons.forEach(addon => {
    const addonPath = `${addon}/src`;
    addonsAliases.push([addon, addonPath]);

module.exports = {
  extends: './node_modules/@plone/volto/.eslintrc',
  settings: {
    'import/resolver': {
      alias: {
        map: [
          ['@plone/volto', '@plone/volto/src'],
          ['@package', './src'],
        extensions: ['.js', '.jsx', '.json'],
      'babel-plugin-root-import': {
        rootPathSuffix: 'src',

New wrappers in block editor#

We have improved the overall UX of the block drag and drop feature by using the library react-beautiful-dnd in the block editor. It introduces new wrappers (belonging to the lib machinery) in the structure. The original structure and class names are still in there (as children of these wrappers) to maintain maximum backwards compatibility. Those might be cleaned up in next major versions, so if for some reason you have customized the styling of your blocks in edit mode relying on the old structure, you might want to review and adapt them.

Update config.js#


This is required since Volto version 6.1.0 1541

Add these lines of code to the config.js of your project:

import {
  addonRoutes as defaultAddonRoutes,
  addonReducers as defaultAddonReducers,
} from '@plone/volto/config';

export const addonRoutes = [...defaultAddonRoutes];
export const addonReducers = { ...defaultAddonReducers };

Update the routes.js of your project:

import { addonRoutes } from '~/config';

const routes = [
    path: '/',
    component: App, // Change this if you want a different component
    routes: [
      // Add your routes here
      ...(addonRoutes || []),

Upgrading to Volto 5.x.x#

First, update the package.json of your Volto project to Volto 5.x.x.

  "dependencies": {
    "@plone/volto": "5.0.0",

New lazy loading boilerplate#

Volto is now capable of splitting and lazy loading components. This allows for better performance and reduced bundle sizes, the client also has to parse and load less code, improving the user experience, especially on mobile devices.

The boilerplate includes changes in the structural foundation of Volto itself. So if you have updated in your projects any of these components:

  • src/helpers/Html/Html.jsx

  • src/components/theme/App/App.jsx

  • src/server.jsx

  • src/client.jsx

you should adapt them to the newest changes in Volto source code. You can do that by diffing the new ones with your versions.

Testing lazy loaded components#

The whole process has been designed to have a minimal impact in existing projects. However, only one thing should be changed in your components tests, especially if your components are composed of original Volto components (not Semantic UI ones, though).

You should adapt them by mocking the Volto component or resolve (await) in an async construction before the test is fired. See this Codepen example:


import React from "react";
import { render } from "@testing-library/react";
import App from "./App";
import { Component1, Component2 } from "./components";

describe("CustomComponent", () => {
  it("rendered lazily", async () => {
    const { container, getByText } = render(<App />);

    await Component1;
    await Component2;


There is also another pattern used in Volto core for testing you can transform your test to be async aware like this:

--- a/src/components/manage/Preferences/PersonalPreferences.test.jsx
+++ b/src/components/manage/Preferences/PersonalPreferences.test.jsx
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ import renderer from 'react-test-renderer';
 import { Provider } from 'react-intl-redux';
 import configureStore from 'redux-mock-store';
 import { MemoryRouter } from 'react-router-dom';
+import { wait } from '@testing-library/react';

 import PersonalPreferences from './PersonalPreferences';

@@ -13,7 +14,7 @@ jest.mock('react-portal', () => ({

 describe('PersonalPreferences', () => {
-  it('renders a personal preferences component', () => {
+  it('renders a personal preferences component', async () => {
     const store = mockStore({
       intl: {
         locale: 'en',
@@ -36,7 +37,8 @@ describe('PersonalPreferences', () => {
-    const json = component.toJSON();
-    expect(json).toMatchSnapshot();
+    await wait(() => {
+      expect(component.toJSON()).toMatchSnapshot();
+    });

Helmet title it's now centralized in View.jsx#

All the calls for updating the title in the document performed by Helmet are now centralized in the View.jsx components. It's recommended to remove all the Helmet calls for updating the title from your components especially if you are using some SEO add-ons for Volto, since not doing that could interfere with them.

Upgrading to Volto 4.x.x#

First, update your package.json to Volto 4.x.x.

  "dependencies": {
    "@plone/volto": "4.0.0",

New initial blocks per content type setting in Alpha 37#

Not a breaking change, but now there's a new setting in Blocks, initialBlocks where you can define the initial blocks for all content types. You can override the default ('title' and a 'text' block) and provide your own by modifying the configuration object:

const initialBlocks = {
    Document: ['leadimage', 'title', 'text', 'listing' ]

provide an empty object if you don't want to define any additional initial blocks and keep the default.

const initialBlocks = {};

ImageSidebar moved to Image Block directory in Alpha 29#

For better resource grouping, the ImageSidebar component has been moved to the Image block component directory: components/manage/Blocks/Image

Copy yarn.lock from volto-starter-kit in Alpha 17#

Due to changes in the dependency tree, it's required to use a specific yarn.lock file by deleting it and copy the one here: plone/volto-starter-kit before upgrading to Volto alpha 17.

Forked Helmet into Volto core#

Due to the inactivity of the Helmet project, we decided to fork it to the core. It's part of the Volto helpers now. You have to update your imports accordingly. Please notice that now it's a named import:

--- a/src/components/Views/ReportView.jsx
+++ b/src/components/Views/ReportView.jsx
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import React from 'react';
 import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
-import Helmet from 'react-helmet';
+import { Helmet } from '@plone/volto/helpers';
 import { defineMessages, injectIntl, FormattedMessage } from 'react-intl';
 import { format, parse } from 'date-fns';
 import { filter, map } from 'lodash';

Alpha 16 is a brownbag release#

There was a problem with the projects using Volto eslint config when upgrading to the latest versions related to typescript, we will take of that in the near future. So skip this version.

Stylelint and prettier config in Alpha 14#

In your project's boilerplate, you need to update the stylelint and prettier configuration accordingly to the changes made in Alpha 14 in package.json like this:

diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 7c8194c..5c63469 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -46,26 +46,51 @@
   "prettier": {
     "trailingComma": "all",
-    "singleQuote": true
+    "singleQuote": true,
+    "overrides": [
+      {
+        "files": "*.overrides",
+        "options": {
+          "parser": "less"
+        }
+      }
+    ]
   "stylelint": {
     "extends": [
-      "stylelint-config-standard",
-      "stylelint-config-idiomatic-order",
-      "./node_modules/prettier-stylelint/config.js"
-    ]
+      "stylelint-config-idiomatic-order"
+    ],
+    "plugins": [
+      "stylelint-prettier"
+    ],
+    "rules": {
+      "prettier/prettier": true,
+      "rule-empty-line-before": [
+        "always-multi-line",
+        {
+          "except": [
+            "first-nested"
+          ],
+          "ignore": [
+            "after-comment"
+          ]
+        }
+      ]
+    },
+    "ignoreFiles": "theme/themes/default/**/*.overrides"
   "engines": {
     "node": "^10 || ^12"
   "dependencies": {
-    "@plone/volto": "4.0.0-alpha.10"
+    "@plone/volto": "4.0.0-alpha.14"
   "devDependencies": {
     "eslint-plugin-prettier": "3.0.1",
-    "postcss-overrides": "3.1.4",
-    "prettier": "1.17.0",
-    "prettier-stylelint": "0.4.2"
+    "prettier": "1.19.1",
+    "stylelint-config-idiomatic-order": "6.2.0",
+    "stylelint-config-prettier": "6.0.0",
+    "stylelint-prettier": "1.1.1"
   "resolutions": {
     "@plone/volto/razzle/webpack-dev-server": "3.2.0"


If you are linting actively your project, the build might be broken after this update. You should run:

$ yarn prettier:fix
$ yarn stylelint:fix

then commit the changes.

openObjectBrowser API change in Alpha 11#

The API of the ObjectBrowser component changed in alpha 11 to make it more flexible. In case you had custom blocks using it, you have to update the call in case you were using a link mode:

@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ const OtherComp = ({
                     href: '',
-              : () => openObjectBrowser('link')
+              : () => openObjectBrowser({ mode: 'link' })
           onChange={(name, value) => {
             onChangeBlock(block, {

See openObjectBrowser handler API for more details.

Renaming Tiles into Blocks#

An internal renaming to use the term Blocks everywhere was done to unify naming through the code and the documentation.

Plone RESTAPI was updated for that purpose too, and running an upgrade step (do so in Plone's Addons control panel) is required in order to migrate the data. No step is required if you are using a brand-new ZODB.

This is the version compatibility table across all the packages involved:

Volto 4 - plone.restapi >= 5.0.0 - kitconcept.voltodemo >= 2.0


The renaming happened in Volto 4 alpha.10 and plone.restapi 5.0.0. Volto 4 alpha versions under that release use older versions of plone.restapi and kitconcept.voltodemo, however if you are using alpha releases it's recommended to upgrade to the latest alpha or the final release of Volto 4.

The project configuration should also be updated, in your src/config.js:

diff --git a/src/config.js b/src/config.js
index f1fe9c2..9517c38 100644
--- a/src/config.js
+++ b/src/config.js
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ import {
   settings as defaultSettings,
   views as defaultViews,
   widgets as defaultWidgets,
-  tiles as defaultTiles,
+  blocks as defaultBlocks,
 } from '@plone/volto/config';

 export const settings = {
@@ -31,6 +31,6 @@ export const widgets = {

-export const tiles = {
-  ...defaultTiles,
+export const blocks = {
+  ...defaultBlocks,

Add theme customization to your project#

Volto 4 now also expects a file named src/theme.js with this content by default:

import 'semantic-ui-less/semantic.less';
import '@plone/volto/../theme/themes/pastanaga/extras/extras.less';

Remove enzyme configuration#

Enzyme has been removed, in favor of @testing-library/react, and the configuration should be removed in package.json:

diff --git a/package.json b/package.json
index 27c7f8d..8f5f088 100644
--- a/package.json
+++ b/package.json
@@ -44,9 +44,6 @@
-    "snapshotSerializers": [
-      "enzyme-to-json/serializer"
-    ],
     "transform": {
       "^.+\\.js(x)?$": "babel-jest",
       "^.+\\.css$": "jest-css-modules",

Blocks engine - Blocks configuration object#

The blocks engine was updated and there are some important breaking changes, in case that you've developed custom blocks. The configuration object is now unified and expresses all the properties to model a block. This is how a block in the defaultBlocks object looks like:

const defaultBlocks = {
  title: {
    id: 'title', // The name (id) of the block
    title: 'Title', // The display name of the block
    icon: titleSVG, // The icon used in the block chooser
    group: 'text', // The group (blocks can be grouped, displayed in the chooser)
    view: ViewTitleBlock, // The view mode component
    edit: EditTitleBlock, // The edit mode component
    restricted: false, // If the block is restricted, it won't show in in the chooser
    mostUsed: false, // A meta group `most used`, appearing at the top of the chooser
    blockHasOwnFocusManagement: false, // Set this to true if the block manages its own focus

There is an additional object groupBlocksOrder that contains an array with the order that the blocks group should appear:

const groupBlocksOrder = [
  { id: 'mostUsed', title: 'Most used' },
  { id: 'text', title: 'Text' },
  { id: 'media', title: 'Media' },
  { id: 'common', title: 'Common' },

You should adapt and merge the configuration of your own custom blocks to match the defaultBlocks and groupBlocksOrder one. You can modify the order of the groups and create your own as well.

Blocks engine - Simplification of the edit blocks wrapper#

The edit block wrapper boilerplate was quite big, and for bootstrapping an edit block you had to copy it from an existing block. Now all this boilerplate has been transferred to the Blocks Engine, so bootstrapping the edit component of a block is easier and does not require any pre-existing code.

In order to upgrade your blocks you should simplify the outer <div> (took as an example the Title block):

--- a/src/components/manage/Blocks/Title/Edit.jsx
+++ b/src/components/manage/Blocks/Title/Edit.jsx
@@ -138,11 +138,7 @@ class Edit extends Component {
       return <div />;
     return (
-      <div
-        role="presentation"
-        onClick={() => this.props.onSelectBlock(this.props.block)}
-        className={cx('block title', { selected: this.props.selected })}
-      >
+      <>
@@ -185,7 +181,7 @@ class Edit extends Component {
             this.node = node;
-      </div>
+      </>

The blocks engine now takes care of the keyboard navigation of the blocks, so you need to remove the outer <div> from your custom block, then your block doesn't have to react to the change on this.props.selected either, because it's also something that the blocks engine already does for you.

The focus management is also transferred to the engine, so it's not needed for your block to manage the focus. However, if your block does indeed require to manage its own focus, then you should mark it with the blockHasOwnFocusManagement property in the blocks configuration object:

 1    text: {
 2      id: 'text',
 3      title: 'Text',
 4      icon: textSVG,
 5      group: 'text',
 6      view: ViewTextBlock,
 7      edit: EditTextBlock,
 8      restricted: false,
 9      mostUsed: false,
10      blockHasOwnFocusManagement: true,
11    },

Default view renaming#

The default view for content types DocumentView.jsx has been renamed to a more appropriate DefaultView.jsx. This view contains the code for rendering blocks in case the content type has been Blocks enabled. Enable Blocks on your content types by composing the view of your content type using DefaultView component.


  • The old messages container has been removed since it's not used any more by Volto. We changed it to use the Toast library.

  • Improved the Pastanaga Editor block wrapper container layout, deprecating the hack .ui.wrapper > *.

Upgrading to Volto 3.x#

Volto was upgraded to use Razzle 3.0.0 which is not a breaking change itself, but it forces some changes in the boilerplate on your Volto projects. You should change the babel config by deleting .babelrc file and creating a new file babel.config.js with these contents:

module.exports = require('@plone/volto/babel');

Then update your package.json to Volto 3.x.

  "dependencies": {
    "@plone/volto": "3.0.0",

Volto 3.x is compatible with the new changes introduced in the vocabularies endpoint in plone.restapi 4.0.0. If you custom-build a widget based in the Volto ones, you should update them as well. Volto updated its own widget set to support them:

  • components/manage/Widgets/ArrayWidget

  • components/manage/Widgets/SelectWidget

  • components/manage/Widgets/TokenWidget

They all use react-select third party library for render it.

Upgrading to Volto 2.x#

Improved Blocks HOC#

The Blocks HOC (High Order Component) was changed to lift off some features from the blocks themselves, and now it takes care of them by itself.

  • The delete block feature was moved to it

  • The keylisteners for navigating through blocks was moved to it

  • The properties passed down to the blocks are improved and documented

This change only applies to your existing blocks, you have to update them accordingly by deleting the trash icon and action from the end of your blocks

{this.props.selected && (
    onClick={() => this.props.onDeleteBlock(this.props.block)}
    <Icon name={trashSVG} size="18px" />

Modify the parent element of your block making these changes:

  onClick={() => this.props.onSelectBlock(this.props.block)}
  className={cx('block hero', {
    selected: this.props.selected,
  onKeyDown={e =>
  ref={node => {
    this.node = node;
  • Add the keylisteners to the parent element of your block

  onKeyDown={e =>
  • Add a ref to it and assign it to this.node.

  ref={node => {
    this.node = node;
  • Add a proper role for it


Take a look into the implementation of the default Volto blocks to get a grasp on all the edge cases related to keyboard navigation and how to deal with them.

Reordering of the internal CSS, added extra files#

The internal Volto CSS has been tidied up and reordered, for that reason, some other extras have been introduced and the theme.config in your project needs to be updated by making sure you have these two extras in the theme.config file:

/* Extras */
@main        : 'pastanaga';
@custom      : 'pastanaga';