API methods and descriptions
API methods and descriptions#
Get the Plone portal object out of thin air. |
Get the navigation root object for the context. |
Get a portal tool in a simple way. |
Display a date/time in a user-friendly way. |
Send an email. |
Display a status message. |
Get a record value from |
Get an object. |
Create a new content item. |
Delete the object(s). |
Copy the object to the target container. |
Move the object to the target container. |
Rename the object. |
Get the object's Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID). |
Get the current workflow state of the object. |
Perform a workflow transition. |
Get a BrowserView object. |
Get a user. |
Create a user. |
Delete a user. |
Get the currently logged-in user. |
Check if the currently logged-in user is anonymous. |
Get all users or all users filtered by group. |
Get user's site-wide or local roles. |
Get user's site-wide or local permissions. |
Grant roles to a user. |
Revoke roles from a user. |
Get a group. |
Create a group. |
Delete a group. |
Add the user to a group. |
Remove the user from a group. |
Get all groups or all groups filtered by user. |
Get group's site-wide or local roles. |
Grant roles to a group. |
Revoke roles from a group. |
Context manager for temporarily switching roles. |
Context manager for temporarily switching user inside a block. |
Return True if your zope instance is running in debug mode. |
Returns True if you are running the zope test runner. |
Get specific relations given a source/target/relationship. |
Create a relation from source to target using zc.relation. |
Delete relation or relations. |
Exceptions and errors#
Base exception class for plone.api errors. |
Raised when a parameter is missing. |
Raised when a parameter is invalid. |
Raised when the portal object cannot be retrieved. |