Customizing Components#

You are able to customize the existing Volto components using a pattern called component shadowing using the customizations folder. You have to identify and locate the component that you want to customize, let's say the Logo component in Volto source code.


Those familiar with Plone's JBOT customizing add-on will recognize this pattern since it works the same way, except that here you have to create exactly the same folder structure hierarchy of the original component instead of using the dotted notation used in JBOT overrides.

You can override any component that lives inside Volto's src folder and adapt it to your needs, without touching the original (source) counterparts. Components are named in a semantic and approachable way.

In order to identify them, you can use several approaches the main one using React Developer Tools then you can inspect the app and find out the name of the component (the name of the tag), then search for it in the Volto source code.

To override the component, use the same folder structure that the original component has in the Volto source code and place it inside the customizations folder.

Customizing the Logo resource#

So, for example, if we want to replace the Logo which is located in Volto at components/theme/Logo/Logo.svg, the folder structure needs to match the folder structure of Volto in the customizations folder. So the final path of the new overridden component will be: customizations/components/theme/Logo/Logo.svg.

Change The Tags Component#

When overriding components, we follow the same approach. We will copy over the original component from the Volto source code, then amend the imports (if any are required) to match the current folder structure. Point Volto source code using @plone/volto module instead of relative paths and other amendments required.

Locate the Tags.jsx file and override this file so that there is a label in front of the tags with: Tags:.

 * Tags component.
 * @module components/theme/Tags/Tags

import React from 'react';
import { UniversalLink } from '@plone/volto/components';
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
import { Container } from 'semantic-ui-react';

 * Tags component class.
 * @function Tags
 * @param {array} tags Array of tags.
 * @returns {string} Markup of the component.
const Tags = ({ tags }) =>
  tags && tags.length > 0 ? (
      { => (
          className="ui label"
  ) : (
    <span />

 * Property types.
 * @property {Object} propTypes Property types.
 * @static
Tags.propTypes = {
  tags: PropTypes.arrayOf(PropTypes.string),

 * Default properties.
 * @property {Object} defaultProps Default properties.
 * @static
Tags.defaultProps = {
  tags: null,

export default Tags;

The final path of the overridden component will be customizations/components/theme/Tags/Tags.jsx.

Advanced customization scenarios#

Once you've started developing your Volto project, you'll find that you want also to integrate other third-party Volto addons and pottentially customize files from those addons. You may even want to write an addon that customizes Volto or other addons, on its own.

To customize an addon, you can follow the pattern described above, but place the addon customization files in a folder named after the addon, inside the src/customizations folder. So, for example, to customize the volto-venue/src/components/OSMMap/OSMMap.jsx file, you would create a src/customizations/volto-venue/components/OSMMap/OSMMap.jsx shadow file.

If you start customizing addons, to keep a clean folder structure inside src/customizations, you can move the Volto customizations file in a src/customizations/volto subfolder

Addons can also customize Volto and other addons using the same logic. The default customization path inside an addon is src/customizations, but the addon can specify its own customization path with the customizationsPaths key in package.json. The customizationPaths is a list that takes strings with paths relative to the package.json file. All these paths are looked up for customization files.


The customizationPaths key is also available in the project, not just the addons

In case of conflicts where multiple addons customize the same file, the order of addon declaration matters: the last addon declared in the addons key in the project's package.json wins. Further more, the project's customizations are applied last, so they "win" in the conflict resolution.

Addons can also customize modules from the Volto project (the root), by creating a @root folder in their customizations path. This is useful, for example, if you prefer a style where the Volto generated project scaffold is throw-away and you want to override some modules that are imported from the @root namespace, such as src/theme.js (which is imported as @root/theme).