
The Plone 6 images have all the system requirements, prerequisites, and Plone 6 already installed, except those requirements needed for running the container engine itself.

Using containers is the easiest way to deploy Plone 6. You may also use containers when creating a Plone project.

The Plone 6 container images are compliant with the Open Container Initiative (OCI). They should work with any OCI-compliant container engine for developing, managing, and running Plone 6 images. Two popular options include podman and Docker.

The community provides official images that could be used for standalone Plone installations. These images support a variety of installation options. You can choose from Classic UI or the new frontend, or specialized databases using ZEO or a relational database.

Getting started#


Although there are many container engine tools for developing, managing, and running containers, we will use Docker in this documentation.

System requirements#

The system requirements include those required by Docker itself.

Plone 6 itself requires memory and disk space in addition to those of Docker alone. See its Hardware requirements.

Install Docker#

Install Docker Desktop for your operating system.

Docker Desktop includes all Docker tools. Docker Compose is one of the Docker tools that will be used in much of this documentation.

Start Plone#

First start the Plone Backend, naming it plone6-backend and creating a site with its default configuration, using the following command.

docker run --name plone6-backend -e SITE=Plone -d -p 8080:8080 plone/plone-backend:6.1

Now start the Plone Frontend, linking it to the plone6-backend:

docker run --name plone6-frontend --link plone6-backend:backend -e RAZZLE_DEV_PROXY_API_PATH=http://backend:8080/Plone -d -p 3000:3000 plone/plone-frontend:latest

Access your Plone site#

Point your browser to http://localhost:3000 and you should see the new Plone site.


The default user is admin and the password is admin.

Shutdown and cleanup#

To stop and clean up the containers use the following commands.

docker stop plone6-frontend && docker rm plone6-frontend
docker stop plone6-backend && docker rm plone6-backend

Next steps#

Get to know the Official Images maintained by the Plone community.

Also see some examples of how to use the Official Images to bootstrap your projects.