Upgrade a custom add-on to Plone 5.1#
Installation Code#
See PLIP 1340 for a discussion of this change.
From CMFQuickInstallerTool To GenericSetup#
The add-ons control panel in Plone 5.1 no longer supports installation or uninstallation code
in Extensions/install.py
or Extensions/Install.py
If you have such code, you must switch to a GenericSetup profile.
GenericSetup is already the preferred way of writing installation code since Plone 3.
If you must use the old way, you can still use the portal_quickinstaller
in the Management Interface.
In a lot of cases, you can configure XML files instead of using Python code.
In other cases you may need to write custom installer code (setuphandlers.py
See https://5.docs.plone.org/develop/addons/components/genericsetup.
Default Profile#
Historically, when your add-on had multiple profiles, their names would be sorted alphabetically, and the first one would be taken as the installation profile.
It was always recommended to use default
as the name of this first profile.
Since Plone 5.1, when there is a default
profile, it is always used as the installation profile, regardless of other profile names.
Exception: when this default
profile is marked in an INonInstallable
utility, it is ignored and Plone falls back to using the first from the alphabetical sorting.
An uninstall profile is not required, but it is highly recommended.
Until Plone 5.0 the CMFQuickInstallerTool
used to do an automatic partial cleanup, for example, removing added skins and CSS resources.
This was always only partial, so you could not rely on it to fully clean up the site.
Since Plone 5.1 this cleanup is no longer done. The best practice is to create an uninstall profile for all your packages.
If you were relying on this automatic cleanup, you need to add extra files to clean it up yourself.
You need to do that when your default profile contains one of these files:
. This seems rarely used.Note
import step only supports adding, not removing.You may need to improve that code based on the old
When there is no uninstall profile, the Add-ons control panel will give a warning.
An uninstall profile is a profile that is registered with the name uninstall
Do Not Use portal_quickinstaller
Old code:
qi = getToolByName(self.context, name='portal_quickinstaller')
qi = self.context.portal_quickinstaller
qi = getattr(self.context, 'portal_quickinstaller')
qi = getUtility(IQuickInstallerTool)
New code:
from Products.CMFPlone.utils import get_installer
qi = get_installer(self.context, self.request)
or if you do not have a request:
qi = get_installer(self.context)
Alternatively, since it is a browser view, you can get it like this:
qi = getMultiAdapter((self.context, self.request), name='installer')
or with plone.api
from plone import api
If you need it in a page template:
<span tal:define="qi context/@@installer"></span>
Since the code really does different things than before, the method names were changed, and they may accept fewer arguments or have differently named arguments.
There used to be special handling for the Products
Not anymore.
Old code:
New code:
Old code:
New code:
Old code:
New code:
No keyword arguments are accepted.
This was removed. You should iterate over a list of products instead.
Old code:
product_list = ['package.one', 'package.two']
New code:
product_list = ['package.one', 'package.two']
for product_name in product_list:
Old code:
New code:
Note that we only support passing one product name. If you want to uninstall multiple products, you must call this method multiple times.
This was removed. Reinstalling is usually not a good idea. You should use an upgrade step instead. If you need to, you can uninstall and install if you want.
Old code:
New code:
Old code:
New code:
This was a helper method that had nothing to do with the quick installer.
Old code:
qi = getToolByName(aq_inner(self.context), 'portal_quickinstaller')
return qi.isDevelopmentMode()
New code:
from Globals import DevelopmentMode
return bool(DevelopmentMode)
Added in version 4.3.
All Deprecated Methods#
Some of these were mentioned already. Some methods are no longer supported. These methods are still there, but they do nothing:
Some methods have been renamed. The old method names are kept for backwards compatibility. They do roughly the same as before, but there are differences. And all keyword arguments are ignored. You should switch to the new methods instead:
, useis_product_installed
, useis_product_installable
, useis_product_installable
, useget_product_version
, useupgrade_product
, useinstall_product
with a single product insteadinstallProduct
, useinstall_product
, useuninstall_product
with a single product instead.
There used to be one INonInstallable
interface in CMFPlone
(for hiding profiles), and another one in CMFQuickInstallerTool
(for hiding products).
In the new situation, these are combined in the one interface from CMFPlone
Sample usage in configure.zcml
<utility factory=".setuphandlers.NonInstallable"
name="your.package" />
In setuphandlers.py
from Products.CMFPlone.interfaces import INonInstallable
from zope.interface import implementer
class NonInstallable(object):
def getNonInstallableProducts(self):
# (This used to be in CMFQuickInstallerTool.)
# Make sure this package does not show up in the add-ons
# control panel:
return ['collective.hidden.package']
def getNonInstallableProfiles(self):
# (This was already in CMFPlone.)
# Hide the base profile from your.package from the list
# shown at site creation.
return ['your.package:base']
When you do not need them both, you can let the other return an empty list, or you can leave that method out completely.
If you need to support older Plone versions at the same time, you can let your class implement the old interface as well:
from Products.CMFQuickInstallerTool.interfaces import (
INonInstallable as INonInstallableProducts)
class NonInstallable(object):
# ...
Content Type Icons#
Since Plone 3 there have been several breaking changes relating to content type icon rendering.
Plone 3#
Content type icons where rendered as HTML tags, which were rendered with methods from plone.app.layout.icon
<span class="contenttype-document summary">
<img width="16" height="16" src="" alt="Page">
<a href="" class="state-published url">Welcome to Plone</a>
Related code in plone.app.layout
(especially getIcon()
and IContentIcon
) and other locations was more then deprecated.
It is obsolete and confusing, and is getting removed.
The catalog metadata item getIcon
used to be a string containing the file name of the appropriate icon (unused since Plone 4).
Since Plone 5.02, the catalog metadata item getIcon
is reused for another purpose.
Now it is boolean, and it is set to True
for items which are images or have an image property (for example, a lead image).
Plone 4#
Content type icons are rendered as background images using a sprite image and CSS:
<span class="summary">
<a href="" class="contenttype-document state-published url">Welcome to Plone</a>
.icons-on .contenttype-document {
background: no-repeat transparent 0px 4px url(contenttypes-sprite.png);
Plone 5#
Content type icons are rendered as fontello fonts using CSS elements before
or after
<span class="summary" title="Document">
<a href=""
class="contenttype-document state-published url"
title="Document">Welcome to Plone</a>
body#visual-portal-wrapper.pat-plone .outer-wrapper [class*="contenttype-"]:before,
.plone-modal-body [class*="contenttype-"]:before {
font-family: "Fontello";
font-size: 100%;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
position: relative;
left: inherit;
display: inline-block;
color: inherit;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
text-align: center;
margin-right: 6px;
content: '\e834';
Example from plonetheme.barceloneta/plonetheme/barceloneta/theme/less/contents.plone.less
body#visual-portal-wrapper.pat-plone .outer-wrapper, .plone-modal-body{
[class*="contenttype-"]:before {
font-family:"Fontello"; font-size: 100%;
padding: 0; margin:0; position: relative; left: inherit; display: inline-block; color: inherit;
width: 20px; height: 20px; text-align: center; margin-right: @plone-padding-base-vertical;
content: '\e834';
.contenttype-folder:before { content: '\e801';}
.contenttype-document:before { content: '\e80e';}
.contenttype-file:before { content: none;}
.contenttype-link:before { content: '\e806';}
.contenttype-image:before { content: '\e810';}
.contenttype-collection:before {content: '\e808';}
.contenttype-event:before { content: '\e809';}
.contenttype-news-item:before { content: '\e80f';}
The wildcard definition [class*="contenttype-"]:before ....content: '\e834'
renders the default icon for Dexterity content types for all Dexterity items which have no specific CSS rule, such as custom Dexterity content types.
The rule .contenttype-file:before { content: none;}
prevents rendering a fontello font for file type items, such as *.pdf
, *.docx
, and so on.
Instead, a mimetype icon (fetched from the MIME type registry) is rendered as an HTML tag (there would be too many fonts needed for all the MIME types) in affected templates, such as in plone.app.contenttypes.browser.templates.listing.pt
<span class="summary" tal:attributes="title item_type">
<a tal:condition="python:item_type == 'File' and showicons"
tal:attributes="href item_link;
class string:$item_type_class $item_wf_state_class url;
title item_type">
<image class="mime-icon"
tal:attributes="src item/MimeTypeIcon" />
<a tal:attributes="href item_link;
class string:$item_type_class $item_wf_state_class url;
title item_type"
tal:content="item_title">Item Title

The design decision to use Fontello fonts brings up the question of how to easily create custom fonts for newly created custom Dexterity items.
A workaround for that is to use an icon URL in the :before
For the custom Dexterity type dx1
, you might add the line .contenttype-dx1:before {content: url('dx1_icon.png')}
to your LESS file, and place the icon file in the same folder.
Preview Images (Thumbs)#
Preview images (aka thumbs) can be shown in listings, tables and portlets.
HiDPI Image Scales#
In the Image Handling Settings control panel in Site Setup, you can configure HiDPI mode for extra sharp images. When you enable this, it will result in image tags like this, for improved viewing on HiDPI screens:
<img src="....jpeg" alt="alt text" title="some title" class="image-tile"
srcset="...jpeg 2x, ...jpeg 3x" height="64" width="48">
To benefit from this new feature in add-on code, you must use the tag
method of image scales:
<img tal:define="images obj/@@images"
tal:replace="structure python:images.scale('image', scale='tile').tag(css_class='image-tile')" />
If you are iterating over a list of image brains, you should use the new @@image_scale
view of the portal or the navigation root.
This will cache the result in memory, which avoids waking up the objects the next time.
<tal:block define="image_scale portal/@@image_scale">
<tal:results tal:repeat="brain batch">
<img tal:replace="structure python:image_scale.tag(item, 'image', scale='tile', css_class='image-tile')" />
Assimilate collective.indexing
With the PLIP assimilate collective.indexing
the operations for indexing, reindexing, and unindexing are queued, optimized, and only processed at the end of the transaction.
Only one indexing operation is done per object on any transaction. Some tests and features might expect that objects are being indexed/reindexed/unindexed right away.
You can force processing the queue directly in your code to work around this:
from Products.CMFCore.indexing import processQueue
For an example of a test that needed a change see plone/plone.app.upgrade#files.
You can also disable queuing altogether by setting the environment variable CATALOG_OPTIMIZATION_DISABLED
to 1
It is a good idea to try this when your tests are failing in Plone 5.1.
was removed form Plone 5.0, but some add-ons still depend on it.
If your addon depends on CMFDefault
, you need to include a specific ZCML snippet.
<include package="Products.CMFPlone" file="meta-bbb.zcml" />
You can either do this by putting the above snippet as the first declaration in the configure.zcml
of your policy add-on, or by including it via buildout:
# ...
zcml +=
# ...