Themes and extensions

Themes and extensions#

The Plone Documentation team learned the hard way that maintaining the design and features of documentation is a lot of work. To make all documentation maintainable, we use actively developed themes and extensions to build the documentation.


When customizing the theme, we use Sphinx Book Theme, which in turn depends on PyData Sphinx Theme. See their documentation for features, tips, and tricks that you might want to include in your documentation.

We minimize the customizations of these themes as much as possible.


We use several MyST and Sphinx extensions to enhance the presentation of Plone documentation.


  • attrs_block supports parsing of block attributes before certain block syntaxes.

  • attrs_inline supports parsing of inline attributes before certain inline syntaxes.

  • colon_fence supports the use of three colons ::: as delimiters to denote code fences, instead of three backticks ```.

  • deflist supports definition lists.

  • html_image supports the use of HTML <img> tags.

  • linkify identifies "bare" web URLs and adds hyperlinks.

  • strikethrough supports the use of strikethrough markup.

  • substitution supports the use of substitutions with Jinja2.
