Volto UI#

The Volto user interface (UI) is a React-based frontend for the Plone content management system. It is the default user interface starting with the release of Plone 6.

Volto provides an attractive proposition: integration with the modern frontend development world, access to the huge ecosystem of React libraries and add-ons, combined with the ability to use the mature Plone CMS backend as a development platform.

Thanks to the use of the Plone REST API, it is fully compatible with Plone's content type framework. But its power comes from the innovative Pastanaga editor, which provides a flexible WYSIWYG editing interface based on "blocks".

Thanks to their simplicity and easy access to advanced frontend integration, Volto blocks can provide a fast development experience that reduces developer frustration and improves end-user experience.

Get started#

Choose from the following sections to begin your journey with Volto.


An integrator is someone who uses Volto to build a project.

  • Install Plone with Cookieplone is a guide to bootstrap a new Volto project and start hacking.

  • Overview is intended for integrators to assess their knowledge and determine what gaps they would like to fill through available resources.

  • Learning resources lists several tutorials and references for further research and learning.


A user of Volto is someone who edits content in a Plone content management system with Volto as the user interface.

  • User Manual provides information about how to manage content in a Plone site.


A contributor is someone who writes code or documentation for the Volto core packages.

  • First-time contributors is for people who have not yet made a contribution to Plone, Volto, or open source software.

  • Contributing to Plone is for people who have not yet signed the Plone Contributor Agreement or contributed to any other project under the GitHub Plone organization, including Volto.

  • Contributing to Volto is for people who want to contribute to Volto.

Table of Contents#