Static resources#

We often want to ship a website with a static resource, such as an image, icon, CSS, or JavaScript file. For this, we need to register static resources.

See also

For some additional implementation information, see Theme.

Registering JavaScript and CSS#

To register a static resource in Plone 6, we need to use the plone.base.interfaces.resources.IBundleRegistry interface.

The following example registers a JavaScript resource in browser/profiles/default/registry of your Plone 6 project. The JavaScript files have to be in the browser/static folder of your Plone 6 project.

  <records interface="plone.base.interfaces.resources.IBundleRegistry" prefix="plone.bundles/jscript">
    <value key="enabled">True</value>
    <value key="jscompilation"></value>
    <value key="load_async">False</value> 
    <value key="load_defer">False</value>
    <value key="depends">plone</value>

You can register a CSS resource in the same way.

    <records interface="plone.base.interfaces.resources.IBundleRegistry" prefix="plone.bundles/css">
      <value key="enabled">True</value>
      <value key="csscompilation"></value>
      <value key="depends">plone</value>

Registering a JavaScript file and a CSS file in the same bundle is also possible.

  <records interface="plone.base.interfaces.resources.IBundleRegistry" prefix="plone.bundles/css">
    <value key="enabled">True</value>
    <value key="csscompilation"></value>
    <value key="jscompilation"></value>
    <value key="load_async">False</value> 
    <value key="load_defer">False</value>
    <value key="depends">plone</value>

Available attributes#

The following attributes are available for registering a static resource:


Whether the bundle is enabled or not. If it is disabled, the bundle will not be loaded.


The path to the compiled JavaScript file.


The path to the compiled CSS file.


A list of bundles that this bundle depends on.


Whether the bundle should be loaded asynchronously or not. Only JavaScript


Whether the bundle should be loaded deferred or not. Only JavaScript

Loading order of resources#

depends is used to define the loading order of resources by specifying the name of the depending bundle.