
A mechanism to redirect old URLs to new ones.

When an object is moved (renamed or cut/pasted into a different location), the redirection storage will remember the old path. It is smart enough to deal with transitive references (if we have a -> b and then add b -> c, it is replaced by a reference a -> c) and circular references (attempting to add a -> a does nothing).

Get Aliases List#

Query function#

Use the getAliasesListQuery function to get the query for fetching the aliases list.


Use the useGetAliasesList hook to get the aliases list.

Get Aliases#

Query function#

Use the getAliasesQuery function to get the query for fetching the aliases for a page.


Use the useGetAliases hook to get the aliases for a page.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

Add Aliases for Multiple Pages#

Mutation function#

Use the createAliasesMutation function to get the mutation for adding aliases for multiple pages.


Use the useCreateAliases hook to add aliases for multiple pages.


  • data: object

    • Required: Yes

    • It can have the following fields:

      items: object[]:

      • Required: Yes

      • An array of objects with the following fields:

        path: string

        • Required: Yes

        datetime: string

        • Required: No

        redirect_to: string

        • Required: Yes

Add Aliases for a Page#

Mutation function#

Use the createAliasesMutation function to get the mutation for adding aliases for a page.


Use the useCreateAliases hook to add aliases for a page.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

  • data: object

    • Required: Yes

    • It can have the following fields:

      items: object[]:

      • Required: Yes

      • An array of objects with the following fields:

        path: string

        • Required: Yes

Delete Aliases#

Mutation function#

Use the deleteAliasesMutation function to get the mutation for deleting aliases for a page.


Use the useDeleteAliases hook to delete aliases for a page.


  • path: string

    • Required: Yes

  • data: object

    • Required: Yes

    • It can have the following fields:

      items: object[]:

      • Required: Yes

      • An array of objects with the following fields:

        path: string

        • Required: Yes