Block style wrapper#

Added in version 16.0.0.

The block style wrapper is part of a block anatomy. It allows you to inject styles from the block schema into the block wrapper in the form of class names. It wraps the block edit and the view components.

It can be used by directly mapping unique values to CSS properties. For example, background-color could be mapped to a single color. Although that is a simple use case, the real intent of style wrappers is to allow the definition of complex CSS through a full set of styles mapped to a CSS class. For example, often applying a background color is not enough, and you need to also modify the font color to make it readable because of contrast issues. The style object field can be extended to hold any number of fields, depending on your needs. The resultant set of class names to be injected are built by concatenating the key-value pairs of the styles object field, separated by -- and prefixing the result with the has-- prefix. The class name generator algorithm supports up to one level of nested objects, constructing the concatenated CSS class from the nested structure as well. See below for an example.

Enabling Style Wrapper in a block#

The wrapper is always present in the rendering of both the view and edit components. Once you add the styles field in your block schema, the wrapper will inject the class names derived from it into both the view and the edit components.

Using styles field in your block#

The wrapper builds the class names to be injected by looking up a field called styles in your block schema. As a schema it has the following signature, and it's normally placed in a Styling fieldset:

  fieldsets: [
      id: 'default',
      title: 'Default',
      fields: [],
  properties: {},
  required: [],

const stylingSchema = {
  fieldsets: [{
    id: 'styling',
    title: intl.formatMessage(messages.styling),
    fields: ['styles'],

  properties: {
    styles: {
      widget: 'object',
      title: intl.formatMessage(messages.styling),

The addStyling schemaEnhancer adds the (empty) styles field inside the Styling fieldset for you, so when defining your block schema you can do:

import { addStyling } from '@plone/volto/helpers/Extensions/withBlockSchemaEnhancer';

export const TeaserSchema = ({ intl }) => {
  const schema = {
  // Here your block schema

  addStyling({ schema, intl });

  // Here you add your custom styling properties to the `styles` object = {
    widget: 'align',
    title: intl.formatMessage(messages.align),
    actions: ['left', 'right', 'center'],

  // and finally add it to the default fieldset[0].fields.push('align');

  return schema;

You can add a set of style fields defining your block styles—such as alignment, background color, and so on—in your block schema by adding them to the styles object field as shown above.

In case you decide to create reusable sets of styling controls for your blocks, you can use the composeSchema helper to compose multiple schemaEnhancers:

import { composeSchema } from '@plone/volto/helpers';

// ...
config.blocks.blocksConfig.listing.schemaEnhancer = composeSchema(

The styles field#

The styles field is mapped to an objectWidget. The following is an example of a possible set of styles. The style wrapper will read the styles and inject the resultant class names into the edit and view components as shown in the next sections.

  "styles": {
    "backgroundColor": "#ee22ee",
    "myCustomStyleField": "red",
    "myCustom2StyleField": {
      "color": "black",
      "gradient": "MyGradient"

Using the injected class names in your block#

The resultant class names are injected as a className prop into the wrapped block. Thus you can use it in the root component of your block view component as follows:

const BlockView = (props)=> (
  <div className={props.className}>
    // Block's view component code


You need to manually add the above code in your view component block code in order to benefit from the class names injection. The styles in the block edit component are injected automatically into the blocks engine editor wrappers, so you don't have to take any action.

The resultant HTML would be the following:

<div class="has--backgroundColor--ee22ee has--myCustomStyleField--red has--myCustom2StyleField--color--black has--myCustom2StyleField--color--MyGradient">

Then it's at your discretion how you define the CSS class names in your theme.

Customize the injected class names#

If you need other style of classnames generated, you can use the classname converters defined in config.settings.styleClassNameConverters, by registering fieldnames suffixed with the converter name. For example, a style data like:

  "styles": {
    "theme:noprefix": "primary",
    "inverted:bool": true,

will generate classnames primary inverted

Inject custom CSS properties#

Added in version 17.8.0.

The style wrapper also allows to inject custom CSS properties. This is useful where the property that you want to inject is customizable per project. For example, imagine you have an existing global CSS custom property --image-aspect-ratio that you use for all images in all blocks. Then in your customized theme, you could set CSS attributes for this property, changing it in runtime. The key feature of custom CSS properties is that they can be applied also using the cascade. This means that they can be placed anywhere in either CSS definitions or HTML structure, and they will be applied only in the context where they are defined.

As an example, first define the style of a teaser block image as follows.

.block.teaser img {
  aspect-ratio: var(--image-aspect-ratio, 16 / 9);

Next, you can enhance a block's schema by injecting the custom CSS property as follows.[0].fields = [[0].fields,

  // We use a select widget and set a default['--image-aspect-ratio'] = {
    widget: 'select',
    title: 'Aspect Ratio',
    choices: [
      ['1', '1:1'],
      ['16 / 9', '16/9'],
    default: '1',

Finally, assuming that you select the default value for the Aspect Ratio for the custom CSS property, then the markup of the block will contain the custom property as shown.

<div class="block teaser" style="--image-aspect-ratio: 1">
<img src="example.png">

As you can see, the custom CSS declaration applies only in the div where you inject the property.

If you want to use it in your custom components, you need to apply it in the root of your block's view component as follows:

const BlockView = (props)=> (
  <div style={}>
    // Block's view component code


You need to manually add the above code in your view component block code to benefit from the style injection. The styles in the block edit component are injected automatically into the blocks engine editor wrappers, so you don't have to take any action.

Nested custom CSS properties#

This section describes how to work with nested custom CSS properties. You can inject custom CSS properties in a nested manner. You can also avoid some nesting, where useful.

Inject nested custom CSS properties#

Given this block enhancer:[0].fields = [[0].fields,
  ];['theme'] = {
    widget: 'color_picker',
    title: 'Theme',
    default: defaultBGColor,

It will generate these values for the StyleWrapper to use:

  "styles": {
    "theme": {
      "--background-color": "#222",
      "--font-color": "white"

The resultant injected custom CSS properties will be prefixed with two dashes plus the name of the key, --theme in this example.

<div class="block teaser" style="--theme--background-color: #222, --theme--font-color: white">

Avoid injecting nested custom CSS properties#

Sometimes you might not want to build the custom CSS property name with a prefix in a nested structure, as described in Inject nested custom CSS properties, because you want to use the exact names defined in your custom CSS properties. To avoid building a prefix, you can append the suffix :noprefix in your block enhancer.[0].fields = [[0].fields,
  ];['theme:noprefix'] = {
    widget: 'color_picker',
    title: "Theme",
    default: defaultBGColor,

It will generate these values for the StyleWrapper to use:

  "styles": {
    "theme:noprefix": {
      "--background-color": "#222",
      "--font-color": "white"

This will yield the resultant markup without a prefix.

<div class="block teaser" style="--background-color: #222, --font-color: white">

Align class injection#

There is an automatic class name injection happening at the same time the style wrapper class names injection. The data.align is also injected directly. This is in place to help properly position the block in the current layout and play well with legacy CSS and block layout. This might be replaced in the future by the style wrapper class names injection.

Each block in the Block Engine has a main wrapper with an automatic class name block-editor-<block_id> <block_align>, as shown in the following example:

<div data-rbd-draggable-context-id="0" data-rbd-draggable-id="9949a5fa-5d57-4e0c-a150-71149a31096c" class="block-editor-listing center">

You can use it for further control over the positioning and layout of the block.

Style object builder enhancer#

The style wrapper has a helper method that generates a style object from the block data. This generated style object is available to inject into the style property.

You can tap into this helper method by applying your own rules programmatically. Define a utility of the type styleWrapperStyleObjectEnhancer as follows.

    name: 'blockThemesEnhancer',
    type: 'styleWrapperStyleObjectEnhancer',
    method: blockThemesEnhancer,

The registered method has the following signature.

type blockThemesEnhancerType = ({
}: {
  data: BlocksFormData;
  container: BlocksFormData;
}) => Record<`--${string}`, string>;

data is the current block, and container is its parent block, if the current block is in a block container. It returns a record of CSS properties.