
Create user#

To create a new user, use . If your portal is configured to use emails as usernames, you just need to pass in the email of the new user.

from plone import api
user = api.user.create(email='')

Otherwise, you also need to pass in the username of the new user.

user = api.user.create(email='', username='jane')

To set user properties when creating a new user, pass in a properties dict.

properties = dict(
user = api.user.create(

Beside user properties, you can also specify a password for the new user. Otherwise a random 8-character alphanumeric password will be generated.

user = api.user.create(

Get user#

You can get a user with .

from plone import api
user = api.user.get(username='bob')

User properties#

Users have various properties set on them. This is how you get and set them, using the underlying APIs:

from plone import api
user = api.user.get(username='bob')
user.setMemberProperties(mapping={ 'location': 'Neverland', })
location = user.getProperty('location')

Get currently logged-in user#

Getting the currently logged-in user is easy with .

from plone import api
current = api.user.get_current()

Check if current user is anonymous#

Sometimes you need to trigger or display some piece of information only for logged-in users. It's easy to use to do a basic check for it.

from plone import api
if not api.user.is_anonymous():
    trigger = False
trigger = True

Get all users#

Get all users in your portal with .

from plone import api
users = api.user.get_users()

Get group's users#

If you set the groupname parameter, then will return only users that are members of this group.

from plone import api
users = api.user.get_users(groupname='staff')

Delete user#

To delete a user, use and pass in either the username or the user object you want to delete.

from plone import api
api.user.create(username='unwanted', email='')
unwanted = api.user.create(username='unwanted', email='')

Get user roles#

The method is used for getting a user's roles. By default it returns site-wide roles.

from plone import api
roles = api.user.get_roles(username='jane')

If you pass in a content object, it will return local roles of the user in that particular context.

from plone import api
portal = api.portal.get()
blog = api.content.create(container=portal, type='Document', id='blog', title='My blog')
roles = api.user.get_roles(username='jane', obj=portal['blog'])

Get user permissions#

The method is used for getting user's permissions. By default it returns site root permissions.

from plone import api
mike = api.user.create(email='', username='mike')
permissions = api.user.get_permissions(username='mike')

If you pass in a content object, it will return local permissions of the user in that particular context.

from plone import api
portal = api.portal.get()
folder = api.content.create(container=portal, type='Folder', id='folder_two', title='Folder Two')
permissions = api.user.get_permissions(username='mike', obj=portal['folder_two'])

Check user permission#

Instead of getting all user permissions, you can check a single permission using the method. By default it checks the permission on the site root.

from plone import api
adam = api.user.create(email='', username='adam')
can_view = api.user.has_permission('View', username='adam')

If you pass in a content object, it will check the permission in that particular context.

from plone import api
portal = api.portal.get()
folder = api.content.create(container=portal, type='Folder', id='folder_hp', title='Folder')
can_view = api.user.has_permission('View', username='adam', obj=folder)

Grant roles to user#

The allows us to grant a list of roles to the user.

from plone import api
    roles=['Reviewer', 'SiteAdministrator']

If you pass a content object or folder, the roles are granted only on that context and not site-wide. But all site-wide roles will also be returned by for this user on the given context.

from plone import api
folder = api.content.create(container=portal, type='Folder', id='folder_one', title='Folder One')
    roles=['Editor', 'Contributor'],

Revoke roles from user#

The allows us to revoke a list of roles from the user.

from plone import api
api.user.revoke_roles(username='jane', roles=['SiteAdministrator'])

If you pass a context object the local roles for that context will be removed.

from plone import api
folder = api.content.create(
    title='Folder Three'
    roles=['Editor', 'Contributor'],

Further reading#

For more information on possible flags and usage options please see the full specification.