Classic UI theming based on Barceloneta#
This chapter describes how to create a custom theme for Plone Classic UI based on Barceloneta. Barceloneta is the default enabled theme for Plone Classic UI.
To create an add-on package with a Plone Classic UI theme, you need to install the following prerequisites.
Create a Classic UI theme add-on package#
To create a Classic UI theme add-on, begin with the following command.
plonecli create addon plonetheme.themebasedonbarceloneta
Then change the working directory into the package you just created, and add the basic theme structure with the following commands.
cd plonetheme.themebasedonbarceloneta
plonecli add theme_barceloneta
Give your theme a name, and optionally commit the changes. After that, the theming structure is set up and ready for customization. You can create a Plone Site and install your theme add-on in the controlpanel.
Theme structure#
All the theming relevant files are now located inside src/plonetheme/themebasedonbarceloneta/theme/
├── barceloneta-apple-touch-icon-114x114-precomposed.png
├── barceloneta-apple-touch-icon-144x144-precomposed.png
├── barceloneta-apple-touch-icon-57x57-precomposed.png
├── barceloneta-apple-touch-icon-72x72-precomposed.png
├── barceloneta-apple-touch-icon-precomposed.png
├── barceloneta-apple-touch-icon.png
├── barceloneta-favicon.ico
├── index.html
├── manifest.cfg
├── package.json
├── preview.png
├── rules.xml
├── scss
│ ├── _custom.scss
│ ├── _maps.scss
│ ├── _variables.scss
│ └── theme.scss
├── styles
│ ├── theme.css
│ └── theme.min.css
└── tinymce-templates
├── README.rst
├── card-group.html
└── list.html
Basic HTML structure for the site layout.
Basic theme configuration for the backend.
npm package configuration which defines all requirements for theming with barceloneta.
Diazo rules which translate the
and fills it with content from the backend.scss/_custom.scss
Custom SCSS rules for your theme.
Override Bootstrap mapping variables here.
Override Bootstrap and/or Barceloneta variables here.
Base theme file which follows "Option B" of customizing Bootstrap imports to enable custom variable and map injections. Note that the order of these imports is mandatory to ensure overriding the defaults. See
Compiled CSS styles.
HTML snippets for the TinyMCE
Compiling theme resources#
To compile the SCSS code, you have to install the required dependencies with npm
Then run the package script build
inside the theme/
npm install
npm run build
During theme development, you can run:
npm run watch
This compiles the SCSS resources on the fly when you change something inside the scss/
You can preview your changes when you reload your browser.
Customize Bootstrap and Barceloneta components#
The base scss/theme.scss
file provides all imports of the dependent Bootstrap and Barceloneta resources to build the default Classic UI theme.
As a convenience bobtemplates.plone
has created three files to customize variables, maps, and custom SCSS code.
SCSS and root variables#
To set a custom font, you define the font variables in scss/_variables.scss
$font-family-sans-serif: Tahoma, Calimati, Geneva, sans-serif;
$font-family-serif: Georgia, Norasi, serif;
This will override the default values from Barceloneta.
SCSS and properties#
The following example shows how to disable rounded corners for borders.
$enabled-rounded: false;
A complete list of all properties see Default variables and properties.
Maps are key/value pairs to make CSS generation easier. As an example, the following example shows the workflow colors map:
$state-colors: (
"draft": $state-draft-color,
"pending": $state-pending-color,
"private": $state-private-color,
"internal": $state-internal-color,
"internally-published": $state-internally-published-color,
) !default;
If you have a custom workflow state, you can add your state color to the default map in scss/_maps.scss
as shown below.
$custom-state-colors: (
"my-custom-state-id": "#ff0000"
// Merge the maps
$state-colors: map-merge($state-colors, $custom-colors);
Custom CSS code#
Inside the file theme/_custom.scss
you can write all your custom CSS/Sass code to adapt the theme to your needs.
Feel free to add more files inside the scss/
folder to make your code more readable.
Don't forget to import your custom files in scss/theme.scss
Default variables and properties#
The following variables and properties are defined in Bootstrap and customized by Barceloneta.
Component variables#
// Barceloneta settings
$primary: $plone-link-color!default;
$light: $plone-light-color!default;
$dark: $plone-dark-color!default;
$spacer: 1rem!default; // not changed but needed to calc other definitions
// Grid columns
// Set the number of columns and specify the width of the gutters.
// $grid-columns: 12 !default;
// $grid-gutter-width: 1.5rem !default;
// $grid-row-columns: 6 !default;
$grid-main-breakpoint: lg!default;
$nav-main-breakpoint: $grid-main-breakpoint!default;
$navbar-barceloneta-background: $primary!default;
$navbar-padding-y: 0 !default;
$navbar-padding-x: 0 !default;
$navbar-nav-link-padding-y: $spacer * .75 !default;
$navbar-nav-link-padding-x: $spacer !default;
$navbar-light-color: rgba($black, .55) !default;
$navbar-light-active-color: rgba($black, .7) !default;
$navbar-light-active-background: rgba($black, .2) !default;
$navbar-light-hover-color: rgba($black, .9) !default;
$navbar-light-hover-background: rgba($black, .3) !default;
$navbar-dark-color: rgba($white, 1) !default;
$navbar-dark-active-color: rgba($white, 1) !default;
$navbar-dark-active-background: rgba($white, .2) !default;
$navbar-dark-hover-color: rgba($white, 1) !default;
$navbar-dark-hover-background: rgba($white, .3) !default;
$navbar-barceloneta-color: rgba($white, 1) !default;
$navbar-barceloneta-active-color: rgba($white, 1) !default;
$navbar-barceloneta-active-background: rgba($black, .2) !default;
$navbar-barceloneta-hover-color: rgba($white, 1) !default;
$navbar-barceloneta-hover-background: rgba($black, .3) !default;
$plone-portlet-navtree-maxlevel: 5!default;
// Typography
// While Plone Logo uses the DIN Font, we use Roboto, which was designed for Android and so mobile optimized
// A free DIN variant is available here (TTF only):
$font-family-sans-serif: "Roboto", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif!default;
$font-family-condensed: "Roboto Condensed", "Arial Narrow", sans-serif!default; //just on toolbar
$font-family-serif: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif!default;
// $font-family-base: var(--bs-font-sans-serif) !default;
// $font-family-code: var(--bs-font-monospace) !default;
// Include Roboto as webfont
$enable-roboto-webfont: true !default;
// $font-size-base: 1rem !default; // Assumes the browser default, typically `16px`
// $font-size-sm: $font-size-base * .875 !default;
// $font-size-lg: $font-size-base * 1.25 !default;
$font-weight-lighter: lighter !default;
$font-weight-light: 300 !default;
$font-weight-normal: 400 !default;
$font-weight-semibold: 600 !default;
$font-weight-bold: 700 !default;
$font-weight-bolder: bolder !default;
// $font-weight-base: $font-weight-normal !default;
// $line-height-base: 1.5 !default;
// $line-height-sm: 1.25 !default;
// $line-height-lg: 2 !default;
// $h1-font-size: $font-size-base * 2.5 !default;
// $h2-font-size: $font-size-base * 2 !default;
// $h3-font-size: $font-size-base * 1.75 !default;
// $h4-font-size: $font-size-base * 1.5 !default;
// $h5-font-size: $font-size-base * 1.25 !default;
// $h6-font-size: $font-size-base !default;
// $headings-margin-bottom: $spacer * .5 !default;
// $headings-font-family: null !default;
// $headings-font-style: null !default;
$headings-font-weight: $font-weight-normal !default;
// $headings-line-height: 1.2 !default;
// $headings-color: null !default;
// Breadcrumbs
$breadcrumb-margin-bottom: 2rem !default;
$breadcrumb-bg: var(--bs-secondary-bg) !default;
$breadcrumb-padding-y: $spacer * 0.5 !default;
$breadcrumb-padding-x: $spacer * 1 !default;
// Footer
$footer-bg: $gray-900 !default;
$footer-color: $gray-300 !default;
$enable-caret: true !default;
$enable-rounded: true !default;
$enable-shadows: false !default;
$enable-gradients: false !default;
$enable-transitions: true !default;
$enable-reduced-motion: true !default;
$enable-smooth-scroll: true !default;
$enable-grid-classes: true !default;
$enable-container-classes: true !default;
$enable-cssgrid: false !default;
$enable-button-pointers: true !default;
$enable-rfs: true !default;
$enable-validation-icons: true !default;
$enable-negative-margins: true !default;
$enable-deprecation-messages: true !default;
$enable-important-utilities: false !default;