Source code for plone.api.env
"""Module provides info about your instance and tools to switch roles and user."""
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import getSecurityManager
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager
from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import setSecurityManager
from App.config import getConfiguration
from contextlib import closing
from contextlib import contextmanager
from importlib.metadata import version
from plone.api import portal
from plone.api.exc import InvalidParameterError
from plone.api.exc import UserNotFoundError
from plone.api.validation import at_least_one_of
from plone.api.validation import mutually_exclusive_parameters
from plone.api.validation import required_parameters
from zope.globalrequest import getRequest
import traceback
import Zope2
IS_TEST = None
@at_least_one_of("username", "user")
@mutually_exclusive_parameters("username", "user")
def adopt_user(username=None, user=None):
"""Context manager for temporarily switching user inside a block.
:param user: User object to switch to inside block.
:type user: user object from acl_users.getUser() or api.user.get().
:param username: username of user to switch to inside block.
:type username: string
:Example: :ref:`env-adopt-user-example`
# Grab the user object out of acl_users because this function
# accepts 'user' objects that are actually things like MemberData
# objects, which AccessControl isn't so keen on.
# ZopeSecurityPolicy appears to strongly expect the user object to
# be Acquisition-wrapped in the acl_users from which it was taken.
unwrapped = None
plone = portal.get()
acls = [plone.acl_users, plone.__parent__.acl_users]
if username is None:
# Note: this path does not raise UserNotFoundError, so we can still
# support SpecialUser ie 'Anonymous User'
for acl_users in acls:
unwrapped = acl_users.getUserById(user.getId())
if unwrapped:
user = unwrapped.__of__(acl_users)
for acl_users in acls:
unwrapped = acl_users.getUser(username)
if unwrapped:
user = unwrapped.__of__(acl_users)
raise UserNotFoundError
return _adopt_user(user)
def _adopt_user(user):
# Fortunately, AccessControl makes this fairly easy.
# One reference to the current user is held by the security
# manager's pet SecurityContext object (defined for both the C and
# Python implementations in AccessControl/
# Use getSecurityManager() to take a reference to the existing
# security manager object. Use newSecurityManager() to replace it
# with a new one whose context refers to the new user object.
# Run the block, then put the original security manager back.
old_security_manager = getSecurityManager()
newSecurityManager(getRequest(), user)
def adopt_roles(roles=None):
"""Context manager for temporarily switching roles.
:param roles: New roles to gain inside block. Existing roles will be lost.
:type roles: list of strings
:Example: :ref:`env-adopt-roles-example`
if isinstance(roles, str):
roles = [roles]
if not roles:
raise InvalidParameterError("Can't set an empty set of roles.")
return _adopt_roles(roles)
def _adopt_roles(roles):
# Okay, this is fun. Start by reading AccessControl/
# ISecurityManager has a pair of methods addContext and removeContext,
# which are used here surrounding the block ("yield" in @contextmanager
# executes the body of the "with" block).
# addContext/removeContext add/pop items from a stack of security_contexts
# Only the uppermost object in the stack is consulted during any given
# permission check.
# If the stack is empty, the default security policy gets used.
overriding_context = _GlobalRoleOverridingContext(roles)
security_manager = getSecurityManager()
class _GlobalRoleOverridingContext:
# ZopeSecurityPolicy will use security_context._proxy_roles in place of
# the roles that would normally be active, provided that it happens to
# consider the security_context object to be relevant.
def __init__(self, roles):
self._proxy_roles = roles
# ZopeSecurityPolicy decides if a security context is relevant as follows:
# permission = name of the relevant permission, e.g. "View".
# object = object on which the permission is checked, e.g. the portal.
# context = a AccessControl.SecurityManagement.SecurityContext() object.
# Refers to the current user object and the stack of security_contexts.
# security_context = last object to have been added using
# SecurityManager.addContext(). Not at all the same as SecurityContext!
# roles = the roles that are allowed to run permission on object.
# If the security policy is "ownerous" (True by default. The mechanism
# for turning it off is not documented and you REALLY DON'T
# WANT TO ANYWAY, trust me):
# owner = security_context.getOwner() # is called
# If owner is not None, owner.allowed(object, roles) is called. If
# that returns a false value, permission is immediately denied.
# Next, if the security_context has a _proxy_roles object
# attribute and bool(security_context._proxy_roles) is True,
# wrapped = security_context.getWrappedOwner() # is called.
# If wrapped is Acquisition-wrapped and wrapped._check_context(object)
# returns a false value, permission is immediately denied.
# Otherwise, permission will be granted if and only if there is at least
# one common value between roles and proxy_roles.
# Otherwise... context.user.allowed(object, roles) is called. Permission
# is granted if that returns a true value, denied otherwise.
# TL;DR: if you getSecurityManager().addContext(obj), and:
# obj.getOwner() returns None, and:
# obj.getWrappedOwner() returns None, and:
# bool(obj._proxy_roles) is True, then:
# obj will always be considered relevant, and obj._proxy_roles gets used
# in place of whatever would normally be the roles-in-context here.
# Yay!
def getOwner(self):
return None
def getWrappedOwner(self):
return None
def debug_mode():
"""Return True if your zope instance is running in debug mode.
:Example: :ref:`env-debug-mode-example`
return getConfiguration().debug_mode
def test_mode():
"""Returns True if you are running the zope test runner.
:Example: :ref:`env-test-mode-example`
global IS_TEST
if IS_TEST is None:
IS_TEST = False
for frame in traceback.extract_stack():
if "testrunner" in frame[0] or "testreport/runner" in frame[0]:
IS_TEST = True
return IS_TEST
def read_only_mode():
"""Check if the Zope instance is running on a read-only ZODB.
:returns: bool isReadOnly True if ZODB is read-only
:Example: :ref:`env-read-only-mode-example`
with closing( as connection:
return connection.isReadOnly()
def plone_version():
"""Return Plone version number.
:returns: string denoting what release of Plone this distribution contains
:Example: :ref:`env-plone-version-example`
return version("Products.CMFPlone")
def zope_version():
"""Return Zope 2 version number.
:returns: string denoting what release of Zope2 this distribution contains
:Example: :ref:`env-zope-version-example`
return version("Zope")